Nolan was Martin. Arielle was Cornflower Fieldmouse. Zander was Squire something or other - a cat. I was Mrs. Fieldmouse...We were going to make Stacia a squirrel but decided not to upset the apple to speak. I have no idea who these characters are but had fun dressing up anyway!
Here I apply whiskers to Arielle. 

Arielle and I
All ready to go to the feast...
There were two new CA's (Chaplain Assistants) at the Feast. I was introduced as the Sr. Protestant's wife. I said, "I don't normally look like a bar maid....I look like a Chaplain's wife on Sunday. "
Dressing up for this really reminded me of the fun New Year's Eve party we threw in 2000....everyone came as a historical character....I wonder how I can find a way to dress up more often. LOL
What a fun night you all had! I like your costumes.
Jen in Az.
You all look great! Wish I was there. I can hardly wait to tell everyone my wife is a barmaid by night. :) OK, maybe I can wait.
Love ya'
Oh how fun! I have no idea who you are either. I've never heard of those books until you mentioned them.
Thanks for answering my questions. I'm feeling somewhat better already. I am not waking up exhausted and I am clear headed most of the time. Now, to get rid of the pain :) I'm willing to do whatever it takes. My kids think I am NUTS! I do need to find a less expensive place for produce. I need to figure out what kind of grain mill to ask for for Christmas.
Looks like you had a GREAT TIME! I'm not very creative when it comes to costumes (LOL)! Tonight we're dressing up, too.... but not in costumes... we're dressing up in formals and tuxes to go ballroom dancing.... sigh.... this is a first and at least a couple of us aren't too excited about it... but our dd wants to go so we're going (LOL)!
Oh my goodness you all look so cute!!! I wish we had some where around here that we could all get dressed up too!
::Snort:: Mike - go ahead...see how much of an asset THAT little fact will be in advancing your career. ::snort::
Kelly - hang in there....I think lifestyle food changes take longer to see effect...they aren't a drug you know? It's a gradual build up and a gradual de-tox most often.
I don't do the whole juice thing...tried it and coudlnt'....but I do the raw thing you mentioned and I do the as much unprocessed as possible....HONEST it's changed my health.
Oh - there are some studies that pork causes joint pain. Just throwing that out there...I found that adding pineapple, raw foods, and cutting out refined sugars, flours and pork helped...but I did them all at the same time so really have no idea what helped most. LOL
Jen and Emily,
It WAS fun to dress up. I think that I will need to CREATE more fun dress up times for us. New years seems to lend itself to historical figures....
I've actually been thinking about this literary feast thing that Melody did. I think I could do something similar on an annual basis....but you know focus on one series of books or book....
Like have a "Little House Feast" or a "Narnia Feast" or a "Pride and Prejudice Feast" or a "Lord of the Rings Feast" - ugh that might be yucky. Anyway that would combine friends, dress up and period food. I was totally impressed how Melody had found all the recipes for things in the series.
Cynthia, Do you know how to ball room dance? I've come to think that would be FUN to learn. I wonder if I could find a place for some lessons. Dancing was not something taught at the Baptist boarding school I attended...nor on the mission field. ::snort::
I think learning a few basic steps would be helpful since we are so often attending Air Force balls and parties and I refuse to dance. LOL
Look forward to seeing pictures.
You all look great! I think we might all have more fun if we just "dressed up" once in a while. We had a play date yesterday with friends and their 3yo was running around in a princess outfit. Her mom said she woke up and decided she wanted to be a princess today. What a different outlook I might have if I just woke up and felt like being "whatever" today and dressed up.
Maybe we could implement a dress up Friday or business that have casual Fridays.
The costumes look great! I bet the kids had a ball. Isn't it amazing how some people can come up with the most wonderful ideas!
Sis: You all looked great. I never cease to marvel at the imaginations you and the kids have. SO NEAT! Dancing is not hard to learn unless you have two left feet. Lessons are fun etc. I haven't danced a step where anyone sees me since before we got married. Dad never danced and actually can't probably learn either because his rythem is crazy.
I didn't know how to dance before the ball, but I do now (LOL)! I never did get the waltz down very well... but I can now say that I can do the Virgina Reel and many of the others that we learned. At this ball, there was a practice in the morning where you practiced each dance for quite a long time. At the ball, they reviewed the moves just before the dance and it was enough of a quick study for those who didn't attend the practice to catch on enough to enjoy it! It was SO MUCH FUN! I NEVER thought we would enjoy it, but we did and we're looking forward to the spring ball now. Oh... and I guess it's not REALLY ballroom dancing since it was mostly jigs, reels, and polkas whereas ballroom dancing would be mostly waltzes...... I didn't know that, but they call it the "ball" so I just assumed ballroom dancing (LOL)... see I really know very little about dancing.
Hmmm...Cindy, I'll have to check your blog to figure out where you went. THis sounds like fun.
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