Thursday, December 14, 2006


Breakfast this a.m. Dutch Babies, fruit smoothie/no blender...fresh orange/clementine juice. Got a 4 mile ride in. 500 by Christmas is looking doubtful.

This week is speeding by. I can't believe tomorrow will be FRIDAY again already. I'm not ready for Friday. BUT I am ready for the girls to be home in a short week! LOL

Today is day 100!!!! I had thought of having a 100 party but its to close on the heels of the 1/2 way party, even for me. If you have no clue what I'm talking about...welcome, to my must be a new reader? ::snort:: 100 days that a big chunk of my heart has been playing in the sand box.....

No school today. We finished week 12 on Tuesday and decided that was enough for this week. I took Nolan, Jamin and Zander out shopping. I took them to Wendy's afterwards. There was a gentlemen who commented, "you have quite a gap between your oldest and the youngest two." Oh, Jamin is right....I shouldn't have said anything. ::snort:: I told me I should have just let the man say that and not tried to explain. I'm a teacher....I must try to clear up perplexities. I was explaining the gap, "Oh, I have nine children and the others fill in the gaps." "NINE children????" The conversation went from there. He began to tell others walking by that I had nine children. His wife came back to the table and was told. She turned to me and said, "we only had one - I can't imagine NINE." OK - you have to understand they were NOT directly next to us...they WERE talking loud enough for most the dining room to follow the conversation. I was trying to eat and pretend I didn't hear anything. Her husband then said, "*I* can imagine nine children" and to me, "I wanted a large family" and they proceeded to argue. I couldn't believe this. She commented to me, something like "what were you thinking" and I pulled out my famous lines...a double whammy, "I wanted one child per month so that when I'm old I can travel to 12 locations a year and not overly burden my children" and "I had enough extra children to cover your social security payments." They laughed.....Jamin is not the one to have enjoyed this interchange. He said, "Mom - what DID you mean about social security" and then was fine as we moved away from the whole "Nine children on display" scenario. ::snort::

We made a salad and delivered it and a gift to Melody's house. I won't be able to make the baby shower but wanted to be sure the gift makes it.

Poor Josiah got called in to work. He will close tonight and be in early tomorrow to unload the truck. He asked them to try to find someone else. A first....I had all his uniforms in the washer when they called. ::snort:: They told him to come on in and they'd have a manager shirt he could wear. LOL That sounded better to him than wearing wet clothes all night.

We made cookies. I forgot I made a double batch of Dutch Babies this a.m. and had no eggs. I remembered that Jodi makes vegan cookies without eggs and went for it. I couldn't quite remember what she does instead; I simply added a couple of T of water. They were good. I think we like them better. LOL I baked them a bit long.... but my kids will eat anything sweet.

Tonight was Mom's Night Out. We had dinner at Wholesome Food - a fun spot. A great salad and quiche. Butternut squash soup - that was new for was good. . .cold but good. The speaker is a homeschooler whose youngest is now finished. She was good. She talked about Ellen Davis' box example...where things are urgent/important, urgent/not important, not urgent/important, or not urgent/not important.....I realized that if I don't tend to the not urgent/important I move them to the urgent/important and thus always have that adrenaline laced lifestyle going on....did anyone follow that????? I need to be sure that I schedule SOME of the non-urgent important things in before they become calling AK DMV to register my vehicle that expires in 16 days. She put things like playing with the kids in that not urgent/important category - but I have that down fairly well....having the girls leave home taught me to rearrange THOSE priorities. LOL

Well - better get to bed...Friday's are long and busy.


Anonymous said...


Are you aware if you have current AK Driver's license and your address is updated then you can renew online?

Details @

Heather said...

I had such a good time visiting with you & the other ladies tonight. I wish we all had time to do this more often.

Cynthia said...

I followed your important/not urgent/not explanation! For me the important, but not urgent thing that is ALWAYS at the top of my to-do list is working on my photo albums. I'm pulling an all nighter tonight and hope to have everything done as in COMPLETELY done by Monday night so I can scrapbook and enjoy a bit of holidy break next week to work on important (to me) things such as this... BLOGGING has REALLY helped me meet my photo goal for this year. So.. .THANKS AGAIN for getting me into blogging!

Glad you were able to enjoy a night out.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

THANK YOU - I knew I could but I couldnt' FIND the are a gem! I need to probably call anyway because I'd like to renew my license when we are there this summer rather than next January. Of course a quick plane trip to AK on my own to renew a license could have some benefits. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Heather - my thoughts are that folks NEED to simply MAKE TIME FOR IT....but then at my last base Mike's supervisor accused me of having a "party spirit". He thought I'd livened the chapel up a bit. Bunko was a real stretch for them...but became a fun tradition. LOL

I would say getting out other other women is one of those "not urgent/important" things or let's make a new category....."not urgent (but some days seems very urgent)/ sorta important" category. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Cindy, I am STILL trying to figure out what to do about my albums...I hate to simply QUIT scrapping but I really HATE not having all my photos in albums...they always WERE before I began scrapping....Glad you enjoy blogging.

Anonymous said...

SIS: How about this one... I HAVE TO spend time at the DMV todaya because I have not yet renewed the pickup license.... I get it out of the shop where they really fixed it good from all the key vandelism. BUT I have to have it legal or Dad might not like it if I get a ticket driving it home. :):)

LOVE your answer to 9 kids.


Debbie said...

I think you are right about the Ladies Night Out...sometimes it feels a lot more urgent/necessary than other times.

What are Dutch Babies?

Jodi said...

Happy 100th day!

In baked goods to replace eggs I either:

add nothing to replace them and see how it comes out (works well with cookie recipes makes me wonder what the eggs are for)

add a teaspoon of baking soda a sprinkle of vinegar and a little water for each egg (good for cakes, also pancakes)

Add "Ener-G egg replacer" from natural food store. Also helpful for cakes or cupcakes.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Dutch babies are also called "German Pancakes"? They are big and puff up....sort of like a giant cream puff? I cook a double recipe in a giant cast iron skillet for my family and there is never any leftovers. When they are all here I do the double in the skillet and a single in a normal size skillet.

I should do this again and take a picture.

Cynthia said...

You might really enjoy the newer CM albums... I'm doing one now for Tim.... my album this year is really more of a "storybook" and blogging has helped me TREMENDOUSLY! I concentrate on the stories, which thanks to blogging, are already written... I just tweak them a bit for the album (check grammar, punctuation, etc which I don't do for the blog) and add the photo(s). I'm looking forward to being able to make the blog into a book... I emailed that link that someone on SHS sent and they said it's COMING SOON to blogger!! YIPPEE! Maybe it'll even work as early as this coming year!