Saturday, January 27, 2007

*Freedom: The Story of My Second Life* by Malika Oufkir

I found this book to be an easier read than Stolen Lives...quicker. However, I think Stolen Lives is great background to this book.

Freedom, chronicles Malika's attempts to adjust to freedom after living most her life without freedom, first in the palace and then 20 years imprisoned in the deserts of Morocco. I think this book would be a good read if you think you may have begun to take freedom for granted.

I found that many of her observations about the new things she found when she reentered the world, such as automatic faucets and supermarkets, paralleled my culture shock when moving from the Philippines to America. ::snort::

I could have done without the chapter on "love", which would be better titled "lust" or something....but all in all this was a good book.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Ooh, thanks for the sequel review! I'm currently reading the first. Although I'm only at the beginning, I still cannot imagine such a life.