Monday, January 08, 2007


~Blenders (even ones with new metal blade assemblies) operated in a large family with youth who frequently use said blender...should always be CHECKED prior to using. The smoothie went well....until I picked it up to poor the last child a glass and all the smoothie came out the bottom!!!! I've become so GOOD at grabbing the camera but didn't think of it this time.

~Nolan finished an Explode the Code book - his first one.

~The children are spending a lot of time creating tunnels and such....studying WW2 is making an impression.

~I dealt with banks - they are all nuts - I'm convinced it cannot be ME. ::snort:: They took my money and then told me that they are holding it all until the should have told me THAT before I gave you the money....they can't give me starter checks because I signed up online.....sort of defeated the purpose of starting the account to deposit cash and checks around here so that I could pay the bill by the 15th. ::snort:: I called the national office and they very "MUCH want to keep your business" they "highly value me as a customer"....yeah ...probably because I explained it's THEIR credit card that has screwed up the online payment 3 times that I'm wanting to pay and now THEIR bank is holding my money.....we're working on a fix that will "satisfy" ME! ::snort::

~We went spur of the moment to the park with Adrienne and her boys, when they dropped by and invited us. OK - don't bug me about plans! I always maintained that I have a FLEXIBLE plan....we planned to work in a park date sometime this week.....and every time I begin to make bread something happens.

~Now I need to see what else I can do on the "to do" list, make something creative for dinner, read to children, bathe children and get children to bed....

~Due to circumstances TOTALLY of my making....i.e. tying all my money up we are going to be eating what is in the house this week and NOT going shopping until the 15th...well OK I did save $100 for things like postage and produce co-op....I say that only to put in this PLEA - "Send me your creatiave dinner ideas! Things that you have in your pantry and never use!" LOL We are NOT broke hon, I simply sent all the money in one account to pay off the credit card and all the other money is frozen.....I could CHARGE but I'm determined not to do that until they PROVE to me that they've figured out this whole payment mess. ::snort:: Next time I talk to them - and I'm becoming good friends with several of the associated, Beth, I think of you every time I call a credit card place and I'm CHEERFUL and NICE - I'm going to ask them to award me some free miles for all the hassle they've caused me. ::snort::

Hey check out that pixie...midriff and all. LOL It does warm up beautifully down here...and it IS nice that it cools off - though I seem to be freezing even when it is 67*. May as well move to AK and at least have great scenery and snow! LOL


Debbie said...

I really hate dealing with businesses. We have kept our credit union from a previous job because they really are free and their customer service is so good, but we have the same problem...have to mail any checks we have.

Sounds like you had a good full day (except for the bank business).

Renee said...

WHen we opened an account here in Germany (but it is an AMerican bank) the check was held... but the cash was immediately available... very very weird.... why does cash have to "clear"? Are they checking to be sure it's not stolen or counterfeit?

Lisa in Jax said...

What exactly is in your pantry? We can't help if you don't give us an idea.LOL I have a black bean and rice dish that is mostly pantry items.


Anonymous said...

Nolan: WOW! We are proud of you for finishing the first book. Just think, the next time we see you we can have your read your favorite story to us.


Anonymous said...

Sis: The best way to eat out of your pantry is to start with the sweetest stuff and work your way down. l:):):):)

Just kidding.


Emily said...

Lisa asked what I was going to ask . . .what is in your pantry that needs to be used up? I will see what kind of easy recipes I have to go along with your items:-)

Jodi said...

All your new blinkies are cute. I like your weather pixie.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jodi - thanks.

Lisa and Emily...I have any grain you can imagine....beans and lentils...lots of fresh produce....and I'm finding all sorts of things. I really think I could live for a long time on this food....but the kids liked our new ritual of them making the menu up every Friday afternoon. LOL

Cynthia said...

Sounds like the fixin's for a great soup!