Thursday, February 15, 2007


Lots of cases of produce - lead to lots of boxes for recycling....

the front of the van

The Back of the Van

I'll try to do this every week or every other week from now on....but really when I have to run to the bank, run to the recycling, and then pick up and sort produce each week - it is taking more weekly time than I expected. LOL I'm going to have to continue stream lining this co-op process. LOL I guess before I had a strict cash only policy - which eliminated the need to run to the bank each Thursday....and the base garbage service didn't mind hauling my cardboard - these guys do. LOL


Anonymous said...

Sis: Guess it is only you going places these days beings as the seats are taken. :):):)

Looks like our garage until I get time to do something about the stuff out there.

Kids finished State required writing tests yesterday. Reading test were also finished. Only math to do at a later date. Today should be a bit more fun at school.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone in your Co-Op live near the recycling center to take the boxes for drop off on their way home from getting their produce?

Kathy in WA said...

De'Etta--too funny! Glad you got your photos to upload again. I think you have truly gotten the blogging bug - you see an occasion and get that camera snapping.