Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My *ATTEMPT* at a photo essay - Yesterday's Recap

I said I was getting my LIFE organized - not my home - just to clarify. This is much bigger than my home. ::snort::
I began by going to
I went a bit later than normal and didn't have to deal with the ladies asking a lot of questions. I went again this a.m. and saw the trainer who knew me. She asked questions. She was sorry. I figure if I go later one more day, the regulars will know by next week. I don't REALLY mind going at 7:30. Later, during the chit chat that goes on when you are at a new time and no one knows you, one of the ladies said, "9 kids - any twins?" and I said no and teared up. I guess I got my crying in for today early. ::sniff::

OK - yesterday I determined to do what so many of you do. I would capture the day with photos since I have a handy dandy small camera in my purse. I'll save my comments for later....Here's my a.m.

I loaded up tons of boxes, newspapers, and 4 younger children.....

(Note cars behind me were not appreciative of me taking this photo).
I had a list of things to buy. I didn't want to venture to the Gates of Hell with the younger I thought I could find the laundry baskets, hamper, and ant traps somewhere else that I could go to Sam's for the grocery items. This would save me time because Walmart always takes me forever. Seriously, I'm a bit ADD and the busyness and crowds in Walmart really distract well as Zander doesn't do so well with tons of fluorescent lights and lots of strangers bumping into him.

We went to Tuesday Morning....
no baskets, hampers, or ant traps but we bought this duck.
We went to the Dollar Tree...
no baskets, hampers or ant traps but I let everyone buy one item (I bought a hat that matches Stacia's, focus is funky on this little camera).
Finally - I gave up and went to
We were run into 3 times by folks rushing out of an aisle and not looking where they were going. OK - this doesn't usually matter but I had Stacia IN the cart and Zander rides on the end of the cart - so he got squashed three times (slow learner? - very determined! ::snort::). Arielle and Nolan wrestled with a second cart behind me.
Zander - a bit JAZZED after the Walmart experience! ::snort::We got all we needed but the ant traps.
Came home for lunch and decided not to take any more photos of the day..... OK - having a camera handy is nice - but I will NOT be taking all those lovely photos of our outings.....why???? Because I realized as I left Walmart that um.....those of you who have the lovely minute by minute photos....don't have a 5 and 2 year old in tow. I held up traffic in stores all over town as I snapped shots, I wasn't thrilled with the workings of the handy camera, it made our trip take much longer and now blogger won't load the photos. ::snort:: Too much stress. I'll keep the camera in my purse for those times when I've forgotten to bring the Nikon or for the pool....LOL BUT I'm not going to ever be as great as some of you at recording every minute. I failed...maybe in a few years when I don't have a toddler????

As for the Walmart dilema? They LOVE me in there. They LOVE the kids. It just frazzles me...but it certainly would have saved me time in the end to simply go their first. Hmmm....on the other hand their milk is so much more than Sam's that I do have to run to Sam's today...there is no way out of these silly grocery trips - as much as I co-op and shop by mail. ugh.

Back at home we spent the afternoon working on my "to do" list and some "home organizing things". I'll share those later. Maybe I'll take a few pictures. Basically, I found MY CHORE CHART in the SHS files....revamped it and started that system again. ::snort:: AND the little chore flip chart I'd ordered for the younger set arrived - which is why I needed 4 laundry baskets - more on that later.

I had a MOUNTAIN of laundry to do. Seems that one son during the hail storm covered his car with blankets. Another son the next day was told to clean the back yard. First son had spread out blankets to dry. Younger son put wet, really wet, blankets in the linen closet. Fast Forward to yesterday afternoon. I opened the linen closet and thought our water heater had sprung a leak as Shanna's did because the blankets were all wet...but no....younger son admitted to putting away a really wet we washed blankets (was one of those seasonal jobs anyway ::snort::).
Mike got to use the Celebrate plate last night. Yippee!!! A contract was signed in Dallas (finally) and we are going to have a new chapel on our base. It is slated to be done in 500 days - we shall see. Note: I did cook dinner last night, he hadn't filled his plate.
I spent the rest of the evening working on the To Do list and folding a LOT of laundry. Stacia was a bear to get down and I had no time to blog. The To Do list goes on....but I'm getting my life organized.....
**Hmmm....not sure about the spacing or the centering - but every time I try to fix it - it deletes photos. My time is UP.


Anonymous said...


What a day you had!
Congrats on the new chapel.
Bell just rang so have to head for class.

Love looking at the foto's


Cynthia said...

It DOES take a lot of photos and time to journal a day.. that's why I only do it occasionally (LOL)!

Unknown said...

Ah man! I just posted a comment and blogger deleted. Oh well.
What a said in a nutshell was that I never thought of lights and too many people causing a child w/ sensory issues to "act up."
Thank you for sharing that.
I had just been praying for the Lord to show me how to help our son!
Still praying for you and the family.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Laura - glad to be of service. We first noted this about a year ago when Zander would just be really STRANGE (normal and then all of a sudden really loosing it!!! I'll spare you the description) every time we went into the new Sam's Club...their lights FLICKER and are flourescent. I simply don't take him to Sam's any more unless there is NO way out of it and I can be in and out in 5 minutes (I click and pull shop with them).

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

You're not kiddin Cindy. I simply don't have time to blog if I try to photo everything we do. I hardly had time to get my jobs done. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

Photo essays are not for me either.LOL I'm sure everyone would be sorry for me if I posted photos of my trip to Kohl's today with all 5 kids though.LOLOL NOT a pretty picture.

Just to let you know, I have the SAME problem when out in stores. It's just too much for me and the faster I'm out of there, the better.LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh Lisa - my kindred spirit. I simply hate going on these missions. I was glad to be home.

I don't think those stores would let me back if they thought I was going to do the pose the kid thing again.....I took a lot of photos. LOL

Debbie said...

Thanks for sharing your day. I don't do the whole photo my day thing very well either, but I enjoy those who do! :-)

Stores make me nutty, but I think it is the overload from too much sight and sound. I like to get in and out fast.

Kathy in WA said...

At the beginning of the year (and our Project 365) I had lots of fun photographing everything we did and the places we went. After a while I just didn't have the interest in keeping up. Emily does a lovely job of capturing her days. Of course, most of the time she doesn't have a toddler around (unless she's watching one of Lisa's kiddos).

I thought it was fun to walk through your day with you all. :)

You can do it again sometime when you have the energy.

Renee said...

ROFL>..,,..don't hold your breath on that new chapel being done anywhere near schedule.... our chapel annex (just an addition)On was grand opened 10 mos behind schedule and it's still not complete - we have no phone lines or computer access for the offices....

Romany said...

Hey, just do what I sometimes do if I have time to re-cap a whole week at a time, one photo per day! {g}


Jodi said...

I think it was quite a good attempt! Sounds like a very busy day that's for sure. The most recent time took pictures in W-mart was near th fish tanks while the kids were watching the fish. I kept thinking a clerk would get worried that I was an animal right investigator...especially since my friends daughter kept shouting thta she had spotted a dead fish. It was funny.

I don't lik shopping in large stores either I don't think I have ADD but definitely the sensory stuff. I had a survey from W-mart the other day and it asked something like would you put up with our crowded chaos because you know you're getting the best price or would you choose Target (one of the options of less croded chaos) I clicked choose Target. LOL Of course they worded it better than that but the gist was we may not be very organised but you get a good price. It's not always better to save a dollar and get overwhelmed. Of course sometimes you really have to save the dollar or they are the only place with a certain items. They get us in there somehow!

Jen said...

If I tried to photo document our day you all would never see the photos because my dh would kill me first. He gets bugged when we do bday party photos, claiming we think the pictures are more important than the event. He would hate it if I tried to take pictures of everything! LOL