Adult Children Update
No, I don't plan to update daily. I realize that millions of youth are in college, ministry programs etc, and our situation isn't totally unique. I realize that the 70% who found my blog via SHS or email links may not be interested in updates, but the 20% who read the blog and are personal friends and family will be......So here's an update....
~The girls report that they met a delightful blog stalker at church on Sunday. ::snort:: Way to go, Candy! It brought home for BreAnne how easy it would be for someone they don't know to find them via info on the web (MC links, Church links, My Space etc).
~Krista has been given a 1980 Chevy Luv truck. Nicholas has helped her through the maze to get it registered and titled.
~The girls are staff this year and are busily preparing for 2nd and 1st year students to return.
~Nicholas (not a son but courting our daughter Krista) is preparing to move down to Eugene Bible College. Mom, he's been prepared that you and Dad will want to get to know him and is thinking of trying your church. Maybe it will be a good fit.
~Josiah attended his FIRST day of lectures at college. Keep in mind he is NOT taking political science but is taking a math, English, and history course. The topics of discussion were gay marriage, abortion, and why the troops should get out of Iraq. ::snort:: While he told us about the lectures, I kept thinking "He's PAYING for THIS?" but he'll be fine and is wonderfully able to sort through the junk he hears and compare it with the truth in the Word of God.
~Josiah reports that he's figured out the parking situation. You have to pull up to one of the buildings and then stalk a student who leaves, allowing you to grab their spot as soon as they pull out.
~Josiah came home last night with a pay check that contained a bonus, another $1 per hour raise, and some very nice kudos. I thought it was nice of God, through Tim O, to send him some affirmation as he begins a totally new venture, which can tend to bring a bit of insecurity - though Cy isn't admitting to feeling out of sorts.
~A funny at college (besides the lectures)? Josiah was standing nearby while someone went on and on about these "little freshman", then he bumped into Josiah, looked UP and said, "I'm sorry, excuse me." Josiah bit his tongue but had a great response ready about these "little freshman cluttering up the place". LOL
I thought that with so much of our blog taken up recounting daily activities here at home (which by very nature focus on the children still at HOME) it would be nice to include an update of what our adult children are up to.
Thanks for the update. I've been praying for your adult children. I'll be there so soon! It's rather scary, kwim?
I enjoy hearing about what your adult's are doing. It is so nice to hear about the kids that have graduated from homeschool. It is very encouraging.
Thanks for the update! Since Breanne and Krista are the kiddos I know the best, even though it's been YEARS, I really enjoy the updates you post about them!
oh and egads about the cyber stalker! Glad it was a friendly stalker.
OK, what is SHS? I went to Sanderson High School, but unless you named your school at home "Sanderson" I don't think that's it. And do you homeschool kids other than yours or are ALL these yours? Just curious, always enjoy your blog!
I wrote a post from yesterday to explain SHS as others were asking too. Yes, all the kids are ours. We currently have 7 at home. 2 live in another state. 3 have graduated, one is a 2 yo and so I have 5 homeschool students this year. LOL
Cindy -
The cyber stalker wasn't a cyber stalker for real. She reads the blog and had emailed about stopping in and surprising the girls when she was in their city. She is actually my sister/friend Beth's cousin - we just haven't met yet in real life.
let me tell you...my husband is paying well over 2K per CLASS right now for his doctoral studies, and after proofreading every single one of his boring papers (and the power point presentations he's done), I said, "THIS is what our house downpayment is being used for?" Because honestly, it's all rubbish and busy work. He'd BETTER get a better job with a doctorate, because I'm not getting my house any time soon, and our savings is going BYE BYE....
Great update! I love hearing about the older ones too! Also, I LOVE what happened to Josiah about the whole Freshman thing . .. that was toooooooooooo funny!
Glad y'all still love the babies that grow up and move away. LOL
So excited to read about what is happening with all the kids. Looking forward to meeting Nicholas and hope he likes Calvary. They have started the church building addition etc.
I enjoy the updates very much!
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