Thursday - Funschooling...
Jodi introduced me to the term "fun schooling" vs. unschooling to explain how we school. (If you want a great glimpse into funschooling read Jodi's blog. I get lots of ideas from watching her school. LOL) I've been working all week to get the books that TOG recommends into our home. Somehow, I felt we were behind because we didn't have the right books. BUT education is taking place....everywhere.
This is a glimpse of what funschooling looks like in our home.
Stacia continues to be incredibly jealous of the older children's school time...
Math U See blocks continue to be a favorite!
Painting always makes it a special day
Stacia tastes the paint (she won't do THAT again) then
Stacia wears the paint
Arielle's paddle doll (the boys decided THEIR MAN dolls didn't need hair! Middle aged, I guess! ::snort::)
Stacia insists on trying her hand at beading too
Group Paddle Doll photo
The older boys are also funschooling - but their idea of fun has changed over the years. Jamin wants to graduate early. He loves writing and so he is doing a LOT of writing and filmmaking, graphic design, Movies as Lit .... He also spent a good amount of time today offering his services to do free book reviews at various magazines and newspapers. No takers yet. He may begin a blog to publish his reviews and such - it's part of a class we are creating. Jared wants to attend the Air Force Academy. His fun is lots of science and math and the Civil Air Patrol leadership/ aeronautical science courses. College has got to be the ultimate funschooling - I don't know why anyone would go if they didn't WANT to be there for some very important reason. ::snort::
Hmmm...though I say we have five students this year, it appears that Stacia is determined to be counted in the mix.
After school we ran to the airport and spent some time with our friends the H family. Steve found out Tuesday that he would be deploying today. Debbie, is the one who took me out monthly while Mike was deployed - you may remember her earlier appearances in the blog. Shoot - Michael was missing last Christmas and Steve will be missing this year. We're sad for them, but oh so very proud of all our troops!!!!!
We had a bit of time between the airport and having to run Jared to Civil Air Patrol. Michael and Nolan worked on rockets.
We had dinner in the Fellowship Hall at the chapel. Michael and Jared are still on base. It will be another late night.
Zander insisted on helping with the windows (Oh yeah - I cut his hair!)
We're about to end the night with another chapter of *Boyhood and Beyond* and a couple more chapters from, "Peter Pan in Scarlett".
Just out of curiosity- could you send me a fun titles for egypt for Micaela??? Now that I live in (really really) small town America I have a teeny tiny library and they're willing to order anything for me- they just have next to nothing.
I really like that term "funschooling? Leave it to Jodi to think of some so...well, fun! I think Im' going to start using that.
Stacia just cracks me up. I love her spirit, her humor, her spunk...she is my kind of gal, a real spitfire!
You sure are getting a lot done for not "doing" school yet!
Great day.
My kids haven't bought into the whole "fun" schooling idea yet..... anything with school and fun in the same sentence is laughed at around here (LOL).... my kids would rather WORK than do anything resembling school. Our oldest is THRILLED to be going to work all day instead of doing "school." Our 2nd dd would rather teach school to our preschooler instead of do her own school and Josh has been out
WORKING with grandpa for 2 weeks now.. I doubt he's going to be any too thrilled about staying home to do school even if I say it's FUN (LOL)! Your school DOES sound like fuN!
How fun . . .fun schooling. I have to admit we didn't do too many days of "fun" schooling back in our homeschooling days. I was too much on a schedule . .oh well. Though, there were those days when we would all stay in our jammies all day and we would play board games and watch a movie or two . . .I guess those were our fun days!
Becky - I can send you some ideas. Micaela is how old about 5 or 6? I think she would like more of what we do than Zander does. LOL
Cindy - you KNOW our school used to be all about schedules and text books.....because I didn't like the mess and time it took to do things differently. LOL
For the older students when I say "fun" it means they are motivated to pursue it themselves.....Algebra is work, Biology is work, Chick Fil A is work....but THEY see a need for it so it is "fun"....if you see what I mean.
For the youngers....I have backed off some of the structured stuff to consciously make it fun. Because I finally realized that my children learn better with hands on - with rare exceptions - when they are very young. They ARE getting the same things they would from me reading the book....I'd rather read the book to them it's quicker, takes less prep time, and makes less mess. ::snort:: Doing the fun things often sparks their interest and they want to know more - so then the very book that wasn't fun becomes fun because they want to learn more about the topic.
It's a balance.
Emily - funny you should mention schedule. I am very prone to schedules...and it's taken a long time for me to reach the point of freedom that we can break out of the little time boxes.
However, I just received MOTH and I'm considering whether adding boxes back to our lives would be a good thing. LOL
Love all the fotos! Goodness, Stacia will be more than ready for school. Bet she excells and goes fast....faster than you will want. Her determination reminds me of G'Ma Simmons.
To bad I didn't take foto's of the black cobra's we had at the bible school property in the Philippines. YIKES! Who in their fight mind would want to get close enough for a foto. They are more than interesting when they stand up in their 'leave me alone stance.'
I work a football game tonight. Fun and work is now the game for my weekdays........
Think I like your kind of fun more. :):)
She is five, but she LOVES reading fun stories. So far she LOVES our history, math, grammar (because its oral), and science, and she HATES phonics and anything that requires writing neatly. She LOVES crafts and experiments, but I HATE mess and trying to find the stuff!
hmmm fotos of black cobras i would get close enough i have no fear lol then as i back away you can smell my lie.... anywho your kids know more about anchient civilizations than i do its so not fair
Becky - at 5 it is not uncommon for a child to dislike writing. I would focus on lots of the stuff she does like and let her have time for her hand strength development to catch up with her brain waves. LOL I'd still work with it now and then but if she HATES it - I'd not stress. She's got lots of years ahead of her - it's too early to really hate school.
As for the mess - I am right with you - but I've discovered my children REMEMBER more if I get it all out and let them play. LOL
This is a great age for cuddling on the couch with books....
Bentley - you can come to school with us, if you like? Teacher's aides are always appreciated. LOL
IF you are still doing Egypt this week, I would recommend "Draw Like an Egyptian." It's fun, works for a wide variety of ages, and takes minimal "mom" time.
Zander might prefer drying grapes, although it takes several days even in good weather . . .
I do the same thing with books.
We read A Place in the Sun last year too. Good book, a little creepy, but wasn't all of Egyptian culture . . .
had a feeling that tacia wasn't the type who would sit on the sidelines! The photos of her are so funny.
Thanks for the compliment. I love following your funschool journey because it convinces me that maybe TOG would work when we get to high school. Or actually next year when we're ready to head for the ancients.
Kristine - thanks for the link.
Jodi - if you decide to try TOG - talk to me first. I have some pointers....
I will, because I would want to do Tog pretty much the way your family does. LOL
Please excuse all the spelling errors I seem to make in comments. I cringe when I go back and re-read some of them!
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