Friendship in Proverbs 20
First, a thought. When approaching any study of Scripture we need to keep an open heart to change required in our lives. If studying the Word doesn't cause me to know God deeper, to be transformed a bit more into Christ's image...then it's simply an intellectual exercise. I do not believe that is what God had in mind when He told us to meditate on his word, to look into the perfect law of liberty....
In studying what to look for in friends I've become acutely aware of the type of friend I need to be to others....and I've been challenged and convicted and changed.
20:3 - Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, But any fool will quarrel."
I need to beware of being quarrelsome. This is difficult for a talker...and I've often had to apologize to my family, to my friends in real life, on SHS and probably even on this blog. I try.
I need to beware of quarrelsome friends. The Word says they are foolish.
20:7 - A righteous man who walks in his integrity - how blessed are his sons after him.
I will look for righteous friends who walk with integrity - and I will continue to strive to walk in integrity....and to daily throw myself on His grace which allows me to be clothed in His righteousness.
20:19 He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.
Youch - this one appears clear.....but I DO have questions. What exactly does the Word mean when it says slander? Is it different than what our culture considers to be slander? What about secrets? What about associating? Does this mean NO FELLOWSHIP? How can I be salt and light to a friend who struggles with these sins if I have nothing to do with them? Does the word associate maybe mean a deep friendship and a mentoring or acquaintance type friendship would be ok? Remembering that Proverbs is not a doctrinal book but a book of wise maxims, I know that this may not be a COMMAND that I HAVE to follow but rather a wise principle that a wise person would follow? It certainly is for my GOOD to avoid someone who slanders, gossips and reveals secrets of others. Yes - I need to do more study. I've begun word studies and will share more on this as I flesh it all out. If you've prayed about this or studied this verse and have some insights you'd like to share - feel free to comment.
*Yep, I decided to just jump in and not try to "catch up" from the first.
1 comment:
Youch! I needed that! It helped me reflect on how I really hurt one of my BFF's feelings last week. I was not being the friend I should have been. I'll be reading over Proverbs 20 tonight. Thanks!
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