Terrific Tuesday
Quote of the Day: "If a man wants to leave tracks, everyone should let him!" Amen! I pray that all my children are track leavers. LOL
45 minutes of Step Video.
Friend, Kim, dropped by with the completer set of MUS. We had a nice visit. She had even asked them why I had a RED "ones" counter in my starter set. I had joked that it must be like the golden ticket of Willy Wonka's. No such luck. Ah well - I had dreams.
Fielded several phone calls.
Began co-op order.
Had a fun talk with Krista.
Took the children and Emma, Arielle's friend, to the Rec pool. It was EMPTY and then was VERY FULL! This is a different year than last...duh. ::snort:: Last year Zander and Stacia pretty much stayed in the kiddie pool and I could sit on the side and visit with friends or read. THIS year Zander has learned to swim underwater, is more daring, and has taught himself to dive. We have no idea how - but he did - and he has perfect form. The problem is that we've had a hard time convincing him it is DANGEROUS to dive in 3 ft of water. Yesterday he had a reality check and I'm still praising God that His hand was on Zander and it wasn't more serious. He dove in....while I was trying to keep Stacia from falling out of the big life vests. The China Beach pool, devoted to LITTLE kids, has closed. This means, evidently, that they took all the little life vests and put them up for a season. ::snort:: I need to go buy a small one or not go to the pool without another adult in the water. It was too hard to watch Zander and Stacia if she isn't in a vest. She, of course, thought she could jump in, paddle etc as she does with a vest. ::snort:: Back to Zander.....while my attention was turned to Stacia, I was RIGHT THERE, he dove in. He hit the bottom of the pool with his face. He had/has? a bump on his forehead and a big scrape on his nose. He was shaken but not permanently injured. No more diving....he moved to new tricks - flips into the pool (also a no-no at this pool) and standing on his head and waggling his legs....cute trick.
Dinner was baked penne by request of Jamin. Jamin was HOME for dinner and so was Mike. Yippee.
I think that sums up the day.
Poor Zander..ouch.
Dan pulled something similar last week. The bigger kids were jumping of the side backwards, Dan tried it and didn't quite make it. He smashed he chin on the side of the pool on the way down. Major road rash on this chin and a major cut inside his mouth from his teeth!
These lessons can be tough ones.
You sound like a very busy MOM! I am such a freak at the pool, saying don't do this, don't do that - so worried they will slip/fall/bust it on the side. Hope you little one recovers quickly!
Oh you are a brave woman. I'm too "chicken" to take my littles to the pool! I hope Zander heals quickly!!!
Jen in Az
Alexander: sorry you got hurt. Sounds like you are becoming a real lover of playing in a swimming pool. What fun!! Just be careful!
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