Early Morning Thoughts
I find myself with a bit of extra blog time. Mike and the older two boys went to base to work out. I would typically be at Curves by now....but the little ones woke up and all the big ones are gone. I'll get a later start.
I realized sometime yesterday that our older two students forgot the message I gave them two weeks ago. I wanted the first week of work to be spread over two weeks. That helps with the "short week syndrome" caused by labor day, and gives time for slow books to arrive. They seem to have missed this message. I'm sure part of our stress is the shock of going from 0 - 150 mph, so to speak, in one short day. ::snort::
As for Jamin's zeal to learn all he'll ever need to know this year, (so that he can write next year),we shall see when we get into a routine if the 10 credits he now has (cut from about 18) are workable. I know that our TOG credits are FULL credits and really could be honors credits, maybe that is why 10 seem full to me. It really takes more work to earn that TOG credit than it does to work through a text book. ::snort:: Seriously, Jamin counts minutes on all his subjects and timewise the TOG credits are all worth at least 2 and some 3. LOL We'll see how this schedule works when we have a normal full week, with all our activities factored in.
I realized this morning, that I've not cooked since we started school. That has to stop. We are schooling ALL day - right up until 7 or 8 p.m. LOL
I've gained 10 lbs since Michael has been home. I am honestly not sure why. I still work out. I don't think I'm pigging out....but I have been skipping meals or days of eating again and then bingeing....so I'll go back to the "plan". LOL
Stacia's been running around all morning saying "I like toast, I like toast" - not quite as cute as "I like Daddy".....but she's putting words together. Of course, now the parrot is saying, "I like toast" as well. LOL
Not eating consistently is probably the culprit. You'll have to have the kids remind you to eat again!
We're also going from 0 to 150 this week although that's only 0 to 150 with school..... we were running 150 all summer with house projects and work.
Cindy - we were running 150 all summer too - what happened to the summer? Yes, I was thinking school and Women's Ministry schedule.
Ugh...we tried the 0-150 and just crashed this week! :-(
Brian is TDY again and that messes us all up.
Bessie is working and we've started soccer. The youngers are doing a little bit of work, but not too much...lots of reading.
I am getting some more organizational stuff done and the last of my ordering.
I agree with Cindy. Maybe you could set two snacks out in the morning as a reminder to eat them in between your main meals. I never would of thought that eating consistently throughout the day would help keep weight off but I have been doing that for the last 4 years and now I am a believer!
"I like toast, I like toast"
I wonder where she got that from, Lot of toast for breakfast at your house lately? LOL
Too much to do here too, I think it was easier when we didn't take a summer break but then again kids were younger and work easier. I'm rethinking a few things.
Debbie - I'm with you.
Jodi - this IS a huge time of rethinking when your kids hit jr/high school age. You'll get it all figured out.
Yes - lots of toast but I was told there is only 1/2 a loaf of bread left and I'm too tired to bake any more tonight....another thing for tomorrow.
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