We have produce again! Yippee! I think numbers are going back up after the summer and we'll soon be back into a nice groove. Michael took Jared to visit our new doc on base.
Michael had wanted to take me out today. He's going to be gone next week. We agreed to lunch. We decided to load all the boxes from produce co-op and Shop Natural co-op into the back of the van and stop at the recycling center. Stacia noted we were going to leave. She started saying, "Daddy, Please I come. Please I come, Daddy"......she went out on a date with us. LOL We used to go out alone one week, take a child out the next week, go out alone again, and then double date....guess we are sliding back into that. She was a doll at the restaurant and we had a good laugh. We had a LOT of folks stop to tell us how darling she was, most smiling very widely and sweetly at us. It was apparent that all thought we were a sweet older couple who had FINALLY had a child in our old age. ::snort:: Same child - vastly different reaction when they see us all out together. ::snort::
JAMIN and JOSIAH are both home tonight. Jamin made pizza. I lucked out again. The guys went to watch the homecoming football game for the team that Jamin played for a few years ago. I spent my time putting unit 1 into sheet protectors and getting ready for my weekly lesson planning session.
YES, our new TOG arrived! The map aids are back ordered - bummer - I really need those. The Writing Aids look great. Michael is looking forward to the Pop Quiz.....there is a weekly audio portion - 15 minutes for him to listen to and he'll know what we are all studying. There are also cards with questions for each level per week - conversation starters. The only thing "off" is that we got two unit 1 lap book kits instead of one of unit 1 and unit 2. LOL We had decided we want to work on ONE as a family and not separate ones. I'll call the company on Monday.
Hogan's Heroes is about to begin. I'm off.
Let me know what week you're doing and I'll see if I can send you the maps for the next few weeks.
Gotta love those little girls!!! :) Great memories for you two and her.
I find is interesting how little girls wrap this Daddy's around their little fingers AND little boys do the same for Mom's.
AH, such joy of having young children in the house.
We miss it all!!
Glad to read that you got your TOG and also produce is back in action.
Very cute about your date night with Stacia.
De'Etta - funny to think of how people perceive us in public. Good reminder to be careful not to judge ourselves. Ha!
I definitely find myself counting heads when I see a big family. I want to ask them all that age old question, "Are they all yours?" :)
Of course, I mean it from the perspective of, Yay! I love big families!! But I'm not sure it would be received well.
I've seen the Writing Aids a couple of times now and I'm thinking about buying it! Thanks for the reminder to check with the gal who orders for our co-op.
Glad you had a nice lunch out with Stacia. It IS funny how you're treated differently with different kids. For the longest time at our church people didn't know we had Nathan because he was always with grandpa and not with us.. so many people just thought we had the older 3... then there would be a different group of people with whom I'd do things with just the younger 2 boys and sometimes occasionally Emily... and they were QUITE surprised that we had a high schooler (LOL)!
We're on week 4 this week, Renee.
The new TOG sounds great! I'll have to check out the free sample online.
Lisa - I am enjoying the redesign...but I also loved the classic...LOL
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