I am so blessed to be able to attend two or three diverse "churches" each week. I missed everyone last week and it was FUN to be back this week. We only did two services today. Mike preached from Matt 7 - Judge not...and it was good, convicting, challenging and encouraging all at the same time. We are NOT to set ourselves up as judge, jury and sentence enforcer....we are to be tools of grace and mercy - leading others to the author of salvation. Good stuff.
The day began early. Mike and I teach a Sunday School class for "elementary" (actually the ONLY one ::snort::). It's been a blast to do together. I've really LOVED seeing Mike teach the young ones. Mike also usually does children's church in the Traditional Service but since he was preaching, I volunteered. I really did. What a hoot! I've avoided RE since MT when I was asked by the RE coordinator to stay with adults where my "gifting" was.
We arrived today and I went to make a few copies for Children's Church while Mike settled into class. There was NO adult teacher. I got to teach. It was GREAT. They've been studying Ephesians and happened to be in Eph 4. We didn't finish the chapter but we discussed the first 15 or 16 verses. Awesome to me was the fact that I've been thinking a lot about the Body of Christ and why God would set it up that we need each other - when so often we think we do better on our own. Read the verses and laugh. We had a great discussion time...and I chuckled all day that God encouraged my thoughts with this "coincidence".
Children's church went well. Stacia ran up front during the children's sermon and stole the show. She stopped and said "hi" all along the way. She kept saying "I have money" when Mike was speaking to the kids. Then she ran back down the aisle stopping to say hi along the way...back up again....and THEN she took off her shoes during the prayer. She came back DOWN the aisle, headed for children's church telling all, "I have my shoes". ::snort::
Fellowship Time was sweet. Emma made some YUMMY Good Morning muffins. I need to make these - though the kids weren't as impressed as I was. Debbie and her boys joined us for lunch at Burger King. Debbie's dh is about 1/2 way through his deployment! Go Debbie.
Mike and I went to the Gospel Service. Sweet time. The children came home.
When we arrived home, Josiah drove to pick up Debbie's boys and Shannon's boys, and Mike met them all over at the local school for a rousing game of football. Both families have Dad's deployed and Mike enjoyed being there for a bit of Dad Rough housing with them.....paying his friends back for their care of us last year.
The younger boys played play station. The girls helped me work on Thanksgiving decorations. We STILL cannot find our yard decor. I'm sure I put it some strange place. Mike has set spots for these things but he wasn't home last year at this time. AND most importantly, we made chocolate covered nuts to go in our homemade ice cream which Mike is dishing up NOW!
I'll write more posts with photos as time allows...
Yum! Chocolate covered nuts with ice cream. I am heading to your house now.
You're welcome any time - call ahead we're often out. LOL
So glad you got to go out and enjoy your Sunday. Sounds like a full and satisfying day.
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