I can't help but think that last year Mike was not home on this day. I'm so very thankful to have him HOME this year. I miss our baby girls {::snort::} terribly, but know that they are going to have a wonderful day in Spokane. We'll see everyone in December.
I've been thinking and decided to post. As you sit around today and recount the things for which you are thankful, will you remember to say a prayer for the troops who are far from home and for their families who wait for them here at home?
The Holidays (birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Anniversary, and Valentine's Day) were hard for us as a family with Dad missing. I'm sure they are for others too.
If you read this, and your dh or son or daughter are currently deployed know that you are in our prayers. We are so very thankful around here for men and women who volunteer to serve their God and country in the military and for those heroes at home, who support, encourage, and run the home while the troops are far away.
Ah Thanksgiving - the season when we stop to think of all we have to be thankful for instead of all the things we don't have and want/need. May this season have been the start of a new level of contentment in our lives.
We wish you and yours the best of days with friends and family.
De'Etta, I've read all of your Thanksgiving prep posts....what fun and full days you have had.
I know you miss your girls, but what a blessing all your young men are. Way to go, guy!
Stacia, you always make me smile! What a wonderful spirit.
Have a terrific day today with family and friends.
Yup and WE miss YOU and your FAMILY so much also.
But as you say..........Christmas is getting much closer.
Dad's evaluation is Monday as to his disability or lack there of. They want to get him working again and he sorta wants to work again.
Happy Thanksgiving! What great pictures...love the one of Stacia being caught with cool whip.LOL
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for the reminder to pray for our troops and their families especially today. Don't forget the single troops as well, they are away from their families too. Some of them for the first time in their lives. I remember having hubby's single friends over to our house when we were first married as they had nowhere else to go.
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!
Debbie, I love your new pic - is that called an avatar/icon? whatever. LOL
They are full days - and I do still have full arms. LOL
Mom - Zander gets the first crown on Monday too.
Yep - Jen single troops were included in my thoughts of family at home - because most DO have family (parents, siblings etc). All families need prayer during a deployment - the immediate (wife, children, husband) and the extended (parents, siblings, aunts and uncles).
Thanks for all the wishes for a happy day - it was.
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