This is what it looks like for a big brother to be tied around a little sister's finger
Just home from work and classes, Josiah is tired and has homework to do, but he complies and puts on the hat.
He chatted with me for a bit while Stacia disappeared. She came back (unclothed AGAIN) and said, "Wanna play?" She carried a floor puzzle.
Cy said, "No, I need to do school."
Stacia smiled, cocked her head and said, "wanna play, Cy".
"Ok".....he said.
De'Etta, your post brings back those bittersweet memories when Cory was home. He and Matthew were *best buds*. Matthew has been planning lots of activities for Cory's arrival next week. :)
D, your family is just so sweet! I always wanted an older brother...ah well.
What a precious relationship they have.
It's sweet stories like this that made me realize my concern about having children widely spaced was really a non-issue. Now I long to add more children. :-)
It's sweet stories like this that made me realize my concern about having children widely spaced was really a non-issue. Now I long to add more children. :-)
We had one daughter like that with our youngest, and then she grew up and moved on. Seems that we don't have that closeness between them anymore. I really miss that. This is such a sweet entry!!
Good morning! Popping in to say - there's an update for 30 Days of Thanksgiving if you are interested in commenting about how it is going for you.
What a great big brother!
Lisa - I still have mixed feelings about that. It is GREAT to see the middle kids becoming the older kids and developing those close relationships with the younger ones.....the sad thing to me is that the younger ones' lives are going to really be characterized by older ones leaving every year or two....but then others who came from large, close families have told me that they stayed close to their siblings (even the little ones) as they left.
De'Etta, my dad is the youngest of 11 children. He has neices that are only a year or two younger than he is.
He has always been close with his siblings and the six of them that are still living get together regularly. My mom says it is quite a riot to listen to them tell stories.
My dad is 71 (soon to be 72) and his oldest living sister was 90 this year.
HUMMM! Just think my brother Jim was 17 years old when I was born. History almost repeating itself. Jim spoiled me too but in a different ways.
Way to go Josiah!
that's the cutest, sweetest thing is my hero!
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