I was having a great day yesterday. I got errands done. We tied up some loose ends from our last unit. I put in a produce co-op order. I got dinner going and then :::drum roll::: a headache began. It wasn't bad. It was at about a 3-4 on the pain scale. BUT everyone had told me to quit being stubborn and take the maxalt right away. I took one. I was NOT prepared for it to literally knock me on my hiney. Good GRIEF. What a strange feeling. It was God that Jared and Jamin were home. I had called Mike and thought he was on the way home so figured I could take a pill and finish dinner. Jamin had to finish dinner. I fell off my chair. ::snort:: BUT the headache did go away....and I'm at about a 2 today so that is GOOD.
Before the head thing Sherri stopped by. It's always fun to have an impromptu visit with a friend. I had picked this up earlier in the day at Sam's Club.
I've wanted one since Deja's baby shower. I had great plans of Thanksgiving Dinner. Sherri saw it and commented on how fun it would be for the Ladies Tea. I told her that I have wanted one for some time but now I had an excuse to try it out at Thanksgiving and then use it for lots of different things. I explained how you could use cheese and ranch and BBQ sauce in it too....but really it's about the chocolate....and as we talked I had a VISION...of Zander and Stacia bellied up to the Thanksgiving table with forks and chocolate flying all around my house....maybe this is best to save for a grown up event?
I know some of you must have one of these. I know Cindy does. What has been your experience? Are they workable for young kids - do you just do children's treats for them? What have you found to be good combinations? Have you used anything but chocolate in them? I think I need two - one for sweet and one for savory - but I tried to be responsible and bought one.
I spent quite a bit of time on paperwork today. ANYTHING you do in connection with the military has a lot of paperwork. We had a Ladies Day Out and a Project Night this month. We have another Project Night and a Ladies Christmas Tea in December. I have paperwork to do. I must not get behind or the Senior Protestant Chaplain gets upset with me. ::snort::
I cleaned house. I started 6 trays of apples drying. We went out to dinner - evidently the threat of magic loaf was too much for my family. I told them it will show up as sandwhich filler next week. ::snort::
De'Etta, so they ganged up on you about the Magic Loaf, huh? LOL Good for them! I tried the website and the recipe it came up with sounded yucky! ;)
LOL Michelle, My recipe looked pretty good.....and I seriously told them I would bake it tomorrow and they could use it in tortillas or something on Saturday when I'll be gone.
We have one of th chocolate fountains, we got it last Christmas. The good part is that you can put any type of chocolate in. The bad part is you have to add cookin oil to the chocolate. At least in the model we have. It's tricky to clean up. Fun for once in awhile though. Must admit we've only used it twice, Christmas and New Years and only with chocolate. The kids dipped really odd things in it..."just to try".
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