Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Clothes are Optional?

I do dress these children every morning. Honest. Stacia must change clothes about 20 times a day. She takes her clothes off at meal times (that's really ok with me - less laundry).....Today she came out of her room in

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She had tried to sneak into "gift wrap central" and got her dress caught in the door...guess that convinced her that dresses aren't always the most convenient outfit to wear?
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And after Jotham's Journey she joined right into the wrestling match - sans clothes. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Debbie said...

This little girl just makes my day! I know it sounds silly, but thank you for sharing her with us! What a stitch.

Romany said...

LOL! Grace used to change clothes several times a day and it went on till she was about 7. I hope Stacia doesn't go on doing it for that long!

I used to wonder why I had so much laundry to do every day. (She always put the barely worn clothes in the laundry basket!) {vbg}

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

My pleasure Debbie, following along as your family added your sibling group from the Philippines has made my year!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Yes - Dorothy!!!! She does. I always have BIG piles of folded clothes for her and one or two outfits for everyone else. ::snort::

Yvonne said...

Gracie does this too...changing clothes often and never wears clothes to eat. So funny!

Anonymous said...

Anna Grace changes at least three times a day. A friend told me the other night that she never saw someone change their clothes so often. lol
I had to laugh b/c neither have I.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Stacia! A gal just can't be caught in clothes that have been worn to long. :):):)


Jodi said...

It's funny to see Stacia's adventures.

I have a BOY who does the clothes changing thing (Colin)I now check his clothes hamper and put the things I know he wore for only an hour or so back in the drawers. LOL

He does have a method to his madness some days.. was cold first, then warmed up and needed something else, then got cold again, then ready for pj's... but some days I think he does it just for something to do.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL Jodi - so it's NOT gender related. LOL