Hmmm.... I do think that my thyroid had a hiccup. I've talked to my PCM and he's agreed but says we'll do the lab work in January (a year since the last time). I don't try to understand any longer, I just go along with them.
My nails are brittle and breaking. My skin is dry. I can't remember what I'm doing a good share of the time. My hair is falling out. My joints are hurting again. I gained 18 lbs in 6 weeks....I keep a food and exercise journal, there is no explaination for this, other than I believe my thyroid hiccuped and my metabolism tanked.
After evaluating all I was doing, I was reminded that I NEED to do 45 - 60 minutes of cardio most days of the week. I have a sluggish metabolism. What works for most, simply won't for me. I had bought the party line at Curves. I love Curves. I believe it is a good program for MOST....but 30 min 3x a week is simply not enough for my slow metabolism. I'm back to doing 45 min of cardio most days of the week (5 - 6) and strength/toning work 2 - 3x a week. I sent in my notice to quit Curves today. It was a tough decision. I was already doing the circuit three times when I went. They didn't like that. There is no way for me to make a Curves workout 45 - 60 min of cardio. I asked about going around the circuit 4 times on the days I come, and they don't want me to do that. I was driving to Curves, doing it, driving home and doing cardio....I may as well stay home and do weights (and get my spending money back) the theory goes. We shall see.
I know that I was within 5 lbs of my goal before I went to the 30min 3x a week thing....and now I'm 16 lbs away from goal. I gave Curves a great shot. I did 102 workouts in 9 months. I did 3 circuits 5 days a week, until they insisted I should only go 3 days a week. I gave my body time to adjust...and now I need to go back to what was working....simply sweating and busting my tail 6 days a week. ::snort:: I don't believe that CURVES made me gain weight. I had maintained from when I joined last Feb - July. Then I gained 18 lbs in 6 weeks - can't really blame Curves for what I believe was a thryoid hiccup. Curves helped me maintain but it isn't enough to keep my metabolism moving....because I'm sluggish. ::snort:: Oh yeah, and several have told me I'm of a "certain age". ::snort::
I'm sorry you are struggling right now. There is nothing worse than working hard and not losing the weight!
Hopefully you will get your thyroid to behave soon.
Don't you just love that "certain age" comment...wait till you get closer to 50...some drs think you are just one tick short of being dead! :-p
De'Etta - how frustrating! I'm so sorry you are "up." Is your dr. adjusting your thyroid medicine?
I found working out 6 days a week, recording my food, and eating super, duper healthy was the only way I could get those stubborn pounds to move off this body. It's really hard to maintain that kind of active lifestyle. I've been struggling since Thanksgiving to be consistent with my exercise.
Thinking of you and your busy, busy Christmas. :)
My doctor even said that MIGRAINES can come from your thyroid being off...then said we'd do labs in Jan.
I'm very tempted to up my dose by 1/4 a pill a day...but I won't.
Sorry and will be praying that everything gets back on track. Don't doctors sometime make you want to scream?
Getting excited for Christmas.
It stinks, doesn't it. I had a similar experience when I did the local one here that's similar to Curves, but on top of not losing I also injured my elbow. Glad you didn't get an injury on top of it all.
I alternate cardio and weights and it works pretty well... now if I could just manage to drink enough water!
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