Experiencing the Resurrection by Henry and Melvin Blackaby
I will usually offer a book giveaway when I review the book for a blog tour. However, I'm supposed to post the review of this one during the week of 17 March. I would think someone may appreciate having this book BEFORE Easter.
If you would like this brand new copy of Experiencing the Resurrection, leave a comment. Be sure your blog url or email address is included so that I can reach you.
We will randomly draw a winner on Wed. I can't tell you more about the book - I'll begin reading it in the next day or two.
I am interested in the book drawing. Lauri McCallum
Ooh, pick me!
Oh, I'd love to have it. But I'd actually have to find time to read it . Hmmm?
Kristen M.
Me, Me, Me. :-)
If it's anything as good as "Experiencing God," I would be forever grateful to win it!
Love, Gigi
I, too, would love to win this book :)
I, too, would be very interested. :)
De'Etta, please add me to your drawing.
Oooh, oooh, pick me Mr. Cotter--oh sorry showing my age!! Yeah I love a drawing!
I enjoy popping in to read your blog from time to time, and would love to be in your drawing.
Please enter me, thanks. =)
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