Conquering the Sock Chaos
This is my very first Works For Me Wednesday entry. If you'd like to read 200 or so other helpful tips on literally any topic under the sun, hope on over to Rocks in My Dryer to read what works for others today.
Hey, I just realized I can turn this into a Big Family Myth entry as well. ::snort:: Myth: With a family of 11 laundry is a chore and most assume that I have piles of laundry spewing from every corner of the home. This is not so. I've learned a few tips to manage Mt. Neverrest (though I do 3 - 5 loads a day). One simple trick.....
Turn this:
To this:
Yes, I've trained my family from Dad - 6 yo to pin their socks at the toes before throwing them in the hamper. This saves me TIME - no tedious sock matching and folding. This saves me money - my dryer seems to balk at eating socks in pairs. At one point in time, I had a different color pin for each family member - but we outgrew the color scheme provided for diaper pins. Our young men and my husband were frustrated by having socks mixed up - so now the boys pin at the top and Dad at the toe....
I enforce this system by telling all that those who do not match up their socks are the ones who will have to tame the sock bag (sort all the unpinned socks in the sock sack).
Oh GREAT tip DeEtta! I am going to train my men to do that too!
Beth in GA
This would be a great tip for me IF ONLY my people actually put their socks in the hampers instead of in the sandbox, under the couch, under the computer desk...you know, everywhere ELSE...::snort::
What a fantastic idea! I am usually the sock sorter and this would make life sooo much easier! Next trip to the dollar store or Wallyworld and I'm picking up some pins!
Thanks for the tip.
Deja, I am so with you. People around here do not put their socks in the laundry either. I have to go play hunt the socks if I want to get them washed.
People around here go hunt their OWN socks if they leave them outside (which they do) and they wear them dirty (which they do)....because it is not MY job to get them to the hamper. ::snort::
Truthfully the young ones are still working on this habit...but they'll get it. They get tired of having to sort the sock sack.
I have actually been saying for ages that I was going to do this, but I've just never gotten around to it. I think now, I will! Thanks for bringing it back to mind!
It can be hard to locate diaper pins.....and in our town some crazy woman buys 10 packs at a time at Walmart. ::snort::
Looks like a great method!
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