There is currently a national news story, that I'm sure many have followed. The story of the raid at the FLDS ranch. The story is heartbreaking from so many angles. It is full of thorny issues on all sides, and there are no easy answers. Since this all began, I've been led to pray for all involved.
Tomorrow will be an important court case. Please keep this matter in prayer. Pray for the children, the mothers, the commune members (who need to come to know Jesus). I'm not sure that the national media is reporting this but 6 mothers chose to go to a "safe location" rather than return to the ranch. Pray that Christians will come into their lives who can lovingly share the Truth with them. Pray for their courage and support.
Pray for the medics, first responders, CPS workers, judges and lawyers. The amount of hours that this has added to the work load of these people is amazing. The judge needs the wisdom of Solomon.
Pray about the legal precedents that this case could set and that due process would be followed. Yes, something needed to be done.....but there are issues here that concern me.
Pray for the city of San Angelo - which is a small TX town. Their resources to feed, house, provide lawyers, volunteers, lodging et al has been stretched.
Pray for the children who may end up in Foster Care without the hope of adoption as the legal appeals are processed.
Pray for Sarah, the 16 yo who called in for help. Pray that if she is with the other children, she will find the courage to speak up once more, and that if she is elsewhere she would be found. Pray for her emotions as she has watched what flowed from her call for help. I have read that there are medical records of her past treatment leading one to believe that she does exist.
Above all pray for God's soverein hand to reign in the proceedings about to begin.
Thank you for the call to continued prayer. As I've watched it on tv, it's been challenging. And yes, it has been reported that 6 women chose to go to a safe house and that the mom's of those 4 y/o and under were allowed to stay with their young.
Interesting that our Lord has you there at this time. He knows where He needs ministers of the mind/heart. Continuing prayers with you.
This has been such a "hot topic" lately. Everyone has their opinions, but I feel you stated it best - that we need to pray for everyone involved. This can't be easy for any of them. I just hope that the children will end up better than before.
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