Blog Question
I've been trying to figure out why my blogs don't have a title in google reader or any reader that I can tell. I am not sure where to check reader settings and what they should read...does someone know what I'm talking about? ::snort::
©2008 D.R.G.
I have no idea about your question but thanks for commenting on my blog. I still can't believe I figured out how to change it! lol
As for being middle age who knows! lol I can't remember! lol
BTW I met your husband today while serving in the Galley! :)
I don't know how to fix it, but I noticed the change.
I have no idea how to fix it. Your title disappeared on me in Bloglines a while ago, but I have it listed now. Very strange. Isn't there a Blogger online tech support?
I've not a clue. I HAD titles in google reader...then I didn't...and someone else mentioned that I don't with them either....I was told to check my RSS settings....but I'm clueless as to why it would have changed. LOL
Another I notice (I have you on my Google Reader) is that each of your posts is listed (Title Unknown). Are you typing a title for each post in the given space before each post?
I just added the name of your blog in my Google Reader, and it's all cool now. :)
I think you have to type in the title with the "manage Reader" option. Hope that works. Have fun putting up Christmas stuff! We'll start Sunday afternoon -- maybe -- since T.J. will be home until Sunday night. Tomorrow is the big Ga. Tech - Georgia game (on TV for us) then we're going to see tobyMac in Atlanta! Sunday begins Advent *then* decorations begin. I'm sure to photograph and blog the events....stay tuned. Love your new look.
Bobbie Jo,
Mike said he saw you. He also told me your comment about Bible study and your mean teacher. ::snort::
Ladies - this template - minima has no special spot to type a title how are you all doing it? The GAFB blog has a spot for do I add it? And some seem to see the titles I use in Google reader and other's don't....I don't. LOL
"manage reader" option? I'll go looking.
If we don't decorate when we have a good break in chapel schedule it won't happen. LOL
Grrr.... this is what I was told, "It might be some setting in your blogspot feed configuration."
I've clicked every tab I can find to click and I'm not finding a "feed configuration" that mentions titles. HELP?
I'm enjoying your blog today but I'm new to blogging and I have never had much luck with google reader. Doylene
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