Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas School

True Confession:

The first week of December school didn't go real well with the younger set due to the Nutcracker.

The second week of December school didn't go real well with the younger set due to my illness. They did independent work but we've not touched Tapestry. This really isn't terrible...but I'd like them to do a bit more than math and language arts for the month.

The third week of December is going to be filled with two co-op orders, shopping, squadron parties and preparing for BreAnne and David's arrival.....and so in an effort to redeem a "bit" of the month I went looking for some Christmas lapbooks we could work on this week. I went to Beth's site Homeschooling 4 Free. I have printed out two copies of this darling Nativity lapbook, I envision Stacia and Zander working on it. I found this Nativity Lapbook for the older children, I envision Nolan and Arielle working on it.

The high school men have carried on all they handle an honors load of classes in the midst of this craziness I cannot begin to fathom.

©2008 D.R.G.


Anonymous said...

They have excellent role models in their mom and dad...That's how they can carry an honor's load and the youngers still work so well independantly. You're raising them well! Rejoice!

Jen said...

Our Christmas school has kind of fizzled out too. I think I am going to just go for giving us all less stress for Christmas and let it go and get the many other things that need to be done taken care of. We are ahead of schedule on hours anyway.

Anonymous said...

If it helps, this Thur. is the last day of school in AK for the year. Start again after 5 Jan, I think...School will be around longer than big sister's Bre and Krista! Consider enjoying a break?

Laura said...

Thanks for pointing the way to those lapbooks.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...
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DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kind words Darshia, glad to hear we aren't alone Jen, glad to have helped Laura....oh and THURSDAY is our last day of school too....the schools here will go through Friday.

Kristine said...

I'm sure the public schools aren't accomplishing much this month either.

And fwiw, we still haven't been able to get two weeks of school done over the last four weeks!

berrypatch said...

I started Christmas was going relatively well. I got derailed this week. Not so good. Haven't done a lick of it & next week is suppose to be vacation. We'll see....