Sunday, January 25, 2009


"Hello. My name is De'Etta, and I'm a blog-aholic..."

I have wondered if it's a sign of blog addiction when your children commonly are heard saying, "Mom, take a blog photo!" or if you think, "Hmmm....we better go to the park, I need to blog"....or....

Ok - all - JUST KIDDING! It should be apparent that I DO have boundaries in place for my blogging time...which is why y'all get 7 posts in ONE day.....because I'm not busy this afternoon.

Seriously, I love Rick's Doodles. Go check him out. Now, I really must bring this post to an end and go open my BIRTHDAY GIFTS! ::snort::

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.

BTW, *MY* laptop is a Gateway! ::snort::


Cynthia said...

You know me... feast for famine here! I need to get back to some more blogging SOON!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I so resemble this cartoon! sigh...I've been found out.

Happy, happy birthday!

Gilda said...

I can definitely relate to this. LOL! I, too, have blogging marathons when I get the time.

Paula said...

Mm, my husband would appreciate that cartoon...but I've been really good lately; I cut way back on time spent blogging :-) Wonder how long it'll last...

Stephanie said...

That cartoon is hysterical!

Anonymous said...

SIS: WHAT A HOOT!!! Cute cartoon. Love it.

good reason to blog is history/g'parents/kids living away and you won't forget events that happened later. :):) thanks for keeping us up on some things. :):):)

l/p M.T.

Rick said...

The doodle looks good here De'Etta. You know I love the attention. That's why I do this crazy stuff. Thanks for the links - now go get your children something to eat,

berrypatch said...

::sigh:: I've been known to do that. Oops! Cute cartoon & what you say about bloggin - I've said about scrapbooking. ;-) LOL

Kathy in WA said...

Too funny! I love it. I miss blogging but it's been nice to take a little break. :)