Random Thoughts:
I've noted how often great intimacy with God comes along with adversity in the Scripture. It's o.k. My word of the year is intimacy and I'm now in a spot without outside responsibilities, no school books, few things to worry about, Mike's gone....and I'm alone...and listening...big time. ::snort::
First Shirts are amazing individuals.
God's timing is always right, even when I wonder. Today I discovered that 5 of our birth certificates have been undeliverable for days. They will be held through the end of the work day TOMORROW.....so...I'm waiting to hear from the Sgt. I'm hoping (since HE gave out the incomplete address) that HE will drive to Fife, WA (Where IS that?) and pick them up. If not, I will and will hand deliver them to McChord. If I'd not reached the helpful UPS agent today, I would NOT have known that they needed to be picked up NOW. Stacia's was sent by normal snail mail and so all are on the alert to tackle any perplexed looking mailmen at the Customer Service mall of McChord. ::snort:: I will still not be able to apply for passports until we can locate hers...and if it gets sent back to San Angelo it will take another week...but if I could have the other 5 in hand.....it's a step.
I read in Isaiah yesterday that those who sow in tears will reap in joy. I'm expecting that there is a harvest in the kingdom that I don't see....but someday I may. I may not. That's o.k. too....I believe that things are going on that I don't understand...that my job is to continue to listen and act....and there will be a harvest.....who knows maybe in Misawa?
Mike is on his way to Japan. He should arrive about 11p.m. pacific time tonight. He said he watched a family go through the process in front of him and well....I think he's worried about all I'll have to do with the kids...but God will clear a way and the kids will be as helpful as they can be. We'll survive...and I'm THRILLED we won't have a ton of bags to deal with on top of the normal stuff. ::snort::
I don't have Internet at "home"...but I'm at mom's on hold...amazing what you can do while on hold.
Last night we had a precious time of prayer...and Mike began to tell Jared how he is now the man (the talk all the eldest boys have received before he deploys or goes TDY)....Bre and I broke out into a rousing chorus of "Be a Man" from Mulan....and we all played hokey pokey....because we are a bit of a hokey family. ::snort::
Random photos:
Um....we discovered there are a few problems at the house. LOL
Stacia seems to thinks the sticks will stop the rain - time to introduce her to an umbrella.
This deer in the front yard also likes to come on to our patio.
Time to call the Sgt again.
©2009 D.R.G.
~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Love your singing from Mulan. :) I can so picture you two doing that.
Praying for all of you!
Poor Stacia...spent all this time in W. Texas with so little rain...just wait until she sees the snow! Praying for things to move swiftly and smoothly for you!
Hopefully things will come together quickly so you can join Mike soon! At least he'll be able to get over there and get the house situation figured out before you all arrive!
Michelle, I'm going to upload a video for you. ::snort::
Cindy - um...good and bad about Mike picking out a house. we've not really had time to discuss the housing since May/June and now July have been so hectic so we aren't sure what the other is thinking. I'll be composing a list of pros and cons I've heard as I've done most the "spouse research" while Mike focused on inspections and such at work. LOL
Deja - she's a true TEXAN and when it rains it RAINS and you don't go out in it. LOL Umbrellas must enter her life.
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