OK - we have Skype now. I used my name. If you know my name, feel free to add me to your contacts. ::snort:: Nate....I can't find you but I found Heather's old stateside one. Are you listed in MO or Japan? There is NO ONE in the computer room, Mike tested the sound, we're dying to try this out and none of you are online. ::snort::
Let's see what else did I do? I attended a PWOC related meeting. I sent in my registration for Hawaii. I played with the young ones on the playground. I met a new lady there who had a ton of fun info for me about Japan. We made cookies. We went on a long walk.
I bought stuff for tomorrow's Onsen Adventure.
Still waiting for Skype to ring. ::snort::
Rodney and Windy went over to see their home today. They were told by Koishi that it is o.k. to go inside when the workers are there. They did. They also went inside ours and said that it looks nearly done. We're going to go look tomorrow. I'm really going to have a home...soon...honestly. THEN what will I write about? ::snort::
Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.
~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Chuckling...As the loving, relational wife of one, mother of 9 and friend to more than can be counted, I'm sure you'll have plenty to write about. {g}
Praying you're able to connect w/loved ones through Skype.
De'Etta, we have Skype...added on of your address, but not sure if the right one.
We also do not do great with the evenings out and right now we are full into soccer, which means many late nights...add to that the PI children in school and we have some very tired children. Soccer in over by mid-October and then i think we will go back to staying home evenings.
Hmmm...this just might be the thing to put me over the edge to try Skype. If only I could get the New York grandparents, aunts and uncles on board. How could they refuse, when I tell them that we are 'skyping' (is that a verb?) with friends in Japan?!?!? I'll do some research this weekend!
OK - here's the thing....remember we HAD Skype but it wasn't working and I uninstalled it. SO....you are looking for DeEtta.G.......
AND I think I listed my hometown as Crescent City, CA.....maybe. ::snort::
We also have skype on one of our desktops - we can't remember whose name - maybe Mike's.....but the pc's are still in a warehouse and I wanted to get this going now. Those phone cards get expensive.
DEJA - I paid $5.95 so that we can call land lines too and so you are on my list to call...WHEN I find the address book. We are getting a stateside number too. BUT we can talk computer to computer for free.
Sorry I didn't see your note in time to Skype with you. We leave our Skype on most of the time when we're in our school room because we have a couple of oversees friends/relatives who try to contact us that way especially now that Michaela is here.
I think ours is under Em's name. If you're up and want to Skype email me and I'll go look to see what our account name is.
Was great to talk to you last night even tho it was not on the computer part of Skype.
I work on hooking up the camera when I get home after school today.
LET ME SEE!!!!! What will you write about????? each room, each item in the house.... that is before you put your stuff inside. :):) THEN about all the stuff you forgot you sent over. :):):) Believe me, the unpacking can be a lot of fun.
KNOWING YOU finding something to blog about will NOT BE A PROBLEM!!!
LOVE YOU SIS: Prayers too. Mom T
What no Onsen Update?
It's coming - getting permission to use photos that have others in them. LOL
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