Monday, January 25, 2010

Techie Debates

Those who love me best seem to think I would not be happy with a Kindle. I'm torn about it, still thinking after all these months, and so this is most likely an accurate observation. I do love the sensory pleasure of reading...though I'm not so excited about the bottom of my carry on ripping out at airports. ::snort::

I'm on to new techie debates...a mini-notebook or a small laptop? I use our laptop as MY computer. It's got a big screen, I love that for home...but it's HEAVY. I've been eying mini-notebooks.....but again...debating because I'm not sure I'd like a mini for every day use. The girls love their Dell mini-notebook. Mike has found a smaller-than-I-have laptop, probably one size up from a mini, that has 500 GB on the hard drive (I've maxed out my current laptop) and a DVD player....more options than a mini.....still small.....but then do I really WANT small? I mean I wanted it desperately when we were traveling and living in TLF and hauling my big laptop and stack of books back and forth...but now that I'm at home.....

Yes, we will be buying some sort of laptop. It is our understanding Mike can't be patched through to our home phone on DSN lines for moreale calls as we are no longer in America. Therefore, we want to send him with a laptop so we can try to Skype from the rock pile....if, of course, there is Internet connections....which I assume in this day and age is one of the items set up first for official communication purposes. He can't put Skype on an official computer....and this way he can keep up with the blog - which was a HUGE help for his transaction back to family life when he was deployed in 2007. We will be purchasing another laptop....should it be a mini-notebook, a smaller notebook or another BIGGEST-SCREEN-I-CAN-FIND laptop?

Your thoughts?
Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Darshia said...

Do they make one that can w/stand high heat, wind and sand? Are these considerations?

Anonymous said...

Go Mac!!

Unknown said...

We just bought a Mac mini book and the only complaint I would have is that the writing is small on the screen. I am not sure if you can make it bigger or not. I personally miss the bigger screen but I do really, really like the Mac!!
Laura J

Windy said...
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Windy said...

It seems to me that if you're looking for something to Skype with, email and basically use it to keep in touch with family and friends...then with as much traveling as you will likely be doing in the next 12 months a mini laptop is a good choice. It seems logical to buy a mini ONLY for traveling and another BIGGER screen laptop to replace your old laptop. Honestly, are you really going to be doing heavy duty dowloading, web surfing, etc. when traveling around the world? Or will you and Mike (he'll need a mini too) be using it primarily for keeping in touch? After Mike returns from Away he could just tuck it away for his next TDY. You certainly can't beat the size when it comes to stuffing it into a carryon bag!
(By the way...I don't think a Kindle is right for you either. I suspect you'd miss 'real' books too much and if you wait another year or two I'm sure they'll come out with a digital book reader that has access to FREE books. Just my opinion!)

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

It would not be just for travel though - it would be my main computer. The laptop I now have is about to die. Mike's plan is to get a new one, transfer my stuff to the new one, take this one with him. If it dies, he buries it. LOL

SO....whatever size I get - it will be my MAIN computer - not just for traveling. Because I don't see us buying 2 minis and a laptop. LOL

Renee said...

Does the AF have an email system with video? I ask because Scott tells me the Army does......

Another thought (from my dh) can Mike call someone at the chapel office (on DSN) and then they patch through to you at home? We were able to do that when we were in Germany and Scott was in Kosovo.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I'm lazy and the time differences make it really hard to go somewhere to use a viacom connection. If we both have laptops we can Skype for free.

As for the DSN - we're hearing two stories....Some say you can only use DSN if you are on base and some say it won't matter. I'd rather not take a chance. Our phone service out here is bad is WAY clearer.

Michelle said...

I think Mac is a good way to go too. Cory bought a Mac laptop when he was home on leave @ Christmas. He loves it! We don't even have to sign up with skype to videochat. He likes it because it's easy to use and incredibly lightweight.

Kris said...

I have a mini laptop for school and it is nice and portable. My only complaint is there are times when the screen size makes my eyes hurt. I revert to my desktop when I need multiple screens or just want to see a full screen. I say this lovingly, but I am not sure your eyes will enjoy the straining. And, sometimes, the deployed person can DSN call back to their office then get connected to home, but not always. Skype is awesome. You can also put money into the account and he can call a landline or cellphone from his computer. One last thing, and I don't this for sure, but I have heard from other deployed spouses that their spouses went with Mac's because they are supposed to be more resistant to sand. Good luck with your search.

Cynthia said...

If it's your main computer, I would definitely go for the bigger one. I have a small one that I bought specifically for traveling. I LOVE it because it even fits in the purse that I use when we travel. However, I don't like it for home use because the keys are just close enough together that it's a pain to type on for extended lengths of time.... again, fine for traveling, but just a bit too awkward if I have a LOT of work to do.

Anonymous said...

Sis: I don't know how it all works but I do know that several people here at school skype with their army family members. HOPE you and Mike can work it out. love/prayers --- Mom T.

Janette said...

Hummm- I know many of our families here use SKYE to communicate with Iraq. It depends on the area (green zones?) I know that most of these families probably DO NOT have computers in the service member's hands and they go into the rear command to use the Army's computers. Maybe SKYPE has opened up more?
Just a thought.
PS- My nephew will be working the air while your Hubby is there. I am not sure where he will be- but assuming somewhere safe for a Maj( P) flyboy .....

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL Kris - and I wear the readers around my neck now. Yes, I already get bugged at how small everything looks on my laptop screen. Good point.

I've not seen MAC minis at the BX...and have learned that many computer places won't ship to Japan. I'll have to go see what it has that other laptops don't.

Most will have the built in camera, mic and camera these days....and you CAN video chat without skype....but I just love it because I can call PHONES.... LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Janette...thanks for the info. Mike will be with NATO - or so the latest goes. LOL He may not NEED a laptop - and has never taken one before.....but I want him to HAVE one as Skype may be our main way of contact. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said... guys are giving me things to think about.

IF my laptop wasn't about to die...we'd get a mini for MIke to take and we'd have it for my travels too.

Since the laptop is about to die....seems wise to buy another laptop and send the dinosaur about to die laptop, with Mike. But then we may well get a mini later so maybe we should buy both now..... ::snort::

Cynthia said...

I vote for buying both now. It's so incredibly convenient to travel with the smaller one. In fact, I'm thinking about buying another smaller one for our next trip so 5 of us aren't trying to use ONE laptop (LOL)! Although, on this trip now that I think about it the kids will be able to use their touch iPods for internet access so maybe I won't need to get another small one...

And.. the other thing I love about the small laptop is that it has a TEN HOUR battery life and I didn't see any bigger computers with that long of a battery life! That was an wonderful convenience when we were traveling. Our big laptops only have 3-4 hour battery life...

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Hmmmm....we'll see. We usually don't do things like "buy both" at one time....and if we do buy a mini- it's going with Mike so it won't really help me here with my travels. Most my travels are going to be while Mike is gone.LOL