We woke sad not to be going to Crescent City, but determined to choose joy. With four days to focus, we decided to FINISH the house before Tuesday. Surprised? ::wink::
The day began slow...all slept in...except me. I opted for an early morning hot tub session with Jesus. I discovered the hot tub feels much more like an onsen if you turn off the jets....much more peaceful. Michael turned the heat up last night and it was awesome this a.m. Steam rising....birds chirping.
When all got up - we worked. Michael and Nolan hung the blinds in the study. The rest of us then got the table and copy machine in place. We also moved the patio stuff from the front of the house to the back...and moved the garden cart back out of the living room to the patio. LOL
They kept working in the living room while the younger two and I unpacked the workshop area.
I discovered I could order photos online and pick them up at Sam's...so I edited a "few" photos and ordered. Michael and Nolan hung the black out curtain in the dining room.
This house has way more walls than our other homes. We began to consider what to do....I moved all the lodge/pine stuff to the family room. We now have two living areas and I had a few Asian things so we went with an Asian theme (Japan, Philippines, Korea) in the living room....we realized we needed MORE photos for that room. I asked a couple of friends about ordering prints from them and found a few. Michael suggested I look through OUR photos. We DID take some great photos in Japan.
We took a break and went out for dinner at Home Town Buffet...um....every time we go there we are hit anew with how strange Americans can truly be. One note to American women in general...If it doesn't ZIP - don't wear it....and even if it it does zip - it may not fit!
With our tummies full we headed over to Sam's to pick up photos, made a quick run through Lowes and then on to Walmart for frames.....The kids and Michael found a couple of movies in the cheap bin. We put one on and Arielle and I set to work framing photos....
Photos for the living room
The Master Suite has to be at least 500 square feet....we have had a beach/lighthouse theme in our room for years.....we kept that....but for the ginormous bathroom I wanted to go with an onsen theme. I found three onsen photos in our files..and the instructions I had printed about using an onsen at a PWOC retreat.
The wall in our sleeping area is BIG and Michael suggested I print up the lighthouses we liked in Japan....
Tomorrow, we'll hang photos.
We'd appreciate your prayers as we go car shopping this weekend.
Personal note - the greeter lady at Sam's recognized me. The check out clerk at Lowes remembered Michael. We ran into a friend from PWOC a couple of times tonight. The waiter was SURE he knew us - he didn't. ::snort:: BUT it is fun to be running into people we know...or who at least recognize us. THAT'S been hard...big box stores where no one really cares if you are there are not....over neighborhood markets.
Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
If you shop often enough at big stores, folks will come to know you.
The photographer at Target knows us. And Abigail knew many of her patrons at the Starbucks in the other Target
True - I just need to choose a couple of stores and stick with them. LOL
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