Wednesday, April 11, 2018

This and That

Michael had six appointments this week. He has eleven on the calendar for next week. To say we're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the pace is an understatement.  Throughout the Winter we've had Tuesdays and Thursdays "at home" most weeks. The last couple of weeks those days have been filled with appointments. The neurologist sent a referral to another PT who specializes in Parkinsons. This is fantastic - we're just tired. We'd thought the therapies would stop in Feb. Now, we're thinking maybe it will slow down by the end of May? But slow down means back to this week's pace. LOL We are blessed  only one of the appointments next week is in Anchorage.  HOWEVER, in all the driving back and forth we saw this stack of pallets. We have a variety of projects waiting and we're always looking to save a buck.....they told us to take as many as we wanted. 

Gideon and his cohorts are always bright spots in any day.
Gideon - 10 1/2 months

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