Sunday, March 29, 2020

Second Sequestered Sunday

Sunday mornings are for sermons and popcorn. Church on the couch felt a bit more natural this morning. 

This morning was another great day "with" Matanuska AG - though we are distanced from Matanuska AG.  It was tough for Krista to get her topic down to 10 minutes - she nailed it! 

Pastor posted a play list for today...a greeting from Him, a message from Krista, a Kids video clip and a worship Clip. Krista was aided by the hens in getting her message across. ::snort:: 

Krista remarked it was odd to "go to church" and watch oneself preach. LOL

Michael and I are enjoying our family discussions after the messages. Today we talked about what gives our lives value...we talked about what it means to have God with us in the midst of a pandemic. We discussed anxiety and how each of us were doing...well the plan was to discuss how we each were doing but we got to Dad, Alex, and Nolan - then got derailed.

The girls headed downstairs to work on projects. Krista has all her quilt squares done already. She is playing around with the arrangement and will sew the rest of the top together. 

Stacia finished a secret sewing project, finished the masks, and today she cut out and began making quilt blocks for her own quarantine quilt.

Michael cleaned out a clogged drain. The boys and Michael played Snowboard Kids.

I made an old-fashioned Sunday Dinner. I baked a 6 lb chicken, made stuffing, mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes and carrots, a huge salad, gravy, and asparagus.  While the chicken was baking I worked on a few kitchen projects. I am over-hearing consistent comments about that You Tube channel. ::wink::

I got a new batch of Kombucha started.

I boiled 14 eggs in the instant pot. 

I made a double batch of Chai Tea Mix. 

Nolan helped me set the table and get a few things done in the kitchen. He also brought in the groceries I bought yesterday. I figured they'd had 24 hours for germs to die...I know the virus can stay up to 72 hours on some any event I needed some of the groceries for lunch. Sadly, my aloe vera plant froze in the car over-night. Ooops. 

I started a bit of broth after dinner...not as much as I would have liked to have made...but it's a chicken and not a turkey.

We have begun watching season 2 of "Lost in Space." We were in the middle of an episode when the power went out. We moved over to the table and played Farkle.

Nolan and Krista went down to bed after the game. Both work from home and one in town.

The rest of us finished the interrupted episode of Lost in Space.

Alex and Michael brought in wood.

Michael and I had a nice talk.

I'm blogging...

Pandemic Thoughts: 

  • Alaska's first positive case of Covid19 was March 12th. We now have 114 cases, and 3 Alaskans have passed away. 
  • Josiah and Jamin usually came out on Sundays. We miss them. 
  •  Arielle and Benny usually visit if Cory is working. We miss them. 
  • We are thankful for all the work pastors are putting in to have online messages.  We miss church family too. I sound like a broken record?
  • We have two more friends with Covid19 (not local). 
  • President Trump announced  his guidelines will remain in place another 30 days. Most states are currently under stricter restrictions than those guidelines, at least Alaska is. His briefing gives us a sense of how long this may go on. I'd better deliver those Easter baskets to the grands now so they can sit in the garage and de-germ a good long time before Easter Sunday. 
  • Our April schedule has just changed drastically; maybe I WILL have time to get new content on the YouTube channel....and to teach Michael how to take over the editing and publishing of said channel. ::snort:: Two weeks wasn't enough time with all my other goals...but a month.....
  • Day 13 of our Isolation....

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