Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Brrrr - It's a WINTER Day

I have capitulated. When the temps drop below 0, nose hairs freeze, you need to bundle up, and the woodstove is burning... it's WINTER...regardless of the calendar. 

What do you do when it's -4* out and the animals need to be fed? You bundle up....

Millie is content to stay inside, warm by the wood stove. 

I have over 100lbs of squash stored for the winter. The oven is out. I heard the instant pot was great for baking squash. Is THIS what it always does? I wondered if it went to long....lost quite a bit as I tried to be sure to get the seeds out. It was a yummy butter cup squash. 

THIS is a new to us vegetable. It's Romanesco...a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. I liked it. I liked the texture better than either of the others. I will have to try to order it again next co-op order. 

Such a fun looking veggie

Not to worry about us Alaskans...we know how to survive the cold...Though I have to say I think THESE THREE have a great idea for surviving a cold snap.   I'm thankful they are showing us the way to handle this mess....next year...I may cruise from Nov-May.  Not that we're a bit envious or anything...
Photo by Carrie - Cy, Livy, Carrie

Other notes this winter day: 

Michael and Alex worked on the woodstove...gave it another good cleaning out...took the thing APART and cleaned it. 

Nolan is pushing forward with college. I really don't get why his bosses think 30 hours looks like 50 hours...but he's handling it like a champ. He got a hair cut and I love it - but that would embarrass him so I won't post a photo. 

Allie and Stacia are also making steady progress on school. I am proud of them for helping to instigate some group events outside of youth group. They are rock stars. 

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