Tuesday, June 11, 2024

But - the Garden

Tuesday found me at our lawyers at 0900.  Back at home I called to get info on federal programs for care of the elderly. NOTHING, it seems, is ever as easy as one is told it will be. 

I had about an hour until I needed to be at co-op. Co-op went smoothly and I was home early. 

We had plans to attend a baseball game where Jared was slated to throw the first pitch. The game was rescheduled due to inclement weather.  

Before I had plans to attend the game, I'd had plans to go to dinner and a movie with Nolan and the girls or attend swim lessons with the grands. Those plans were back on - but I was too emotionally and mentally exhausted to join anyone. 

But - the garden! 

Given time we may actually end up with an accessible strawberry bed...and strawberries to enjoy. 

I started a pot of basil. It has to grow in the greenhouse. 

Peppers like the greenhouse

More beans...hope they are warm enough

As soon as the weather cooperates and the guys can finish covering the hoop house, these cucumbersare ready to go. 

This little tomato plant is putting out some growth. 

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