Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Another Court Appointment

Wednesday found this part of the family in Anchorage waiting outside of a courtroom. (Darla, that's the Captain Cook Hotel over their heads).  This month Krista is in Guam and Luke is working. Stacia is at a counseling appointment. Bre and Arielle are with kiddos. 
Cory, Alex, Nolan, Allie, Mike, Jared, Carrie & Jamin 

The event felt purposeless to ones who don't totally understand the intricate workings of the system. We were originally told it was a trial setting conference, but then that it would be more of a discovery extension as we were going to trial. In the end neither were mentioned. The judge mentioned a plea deal had been offered, and they set the trial setting conference for August with the trial possibly in November. The judge says he's happy with the pace this is moving, and we can tell by listening to cases where others are STILL in discovery 3 - 5 years after a crime was committed that we ARE moving quickly. We just don't always understand what progress is being made. 

To be clear we all hoped to avoid a trial and that a plea deal would be accepted...however, we all want to see some measure of justice served and if that requires a trial - a trial it will be. 

Bella, GG, Annie, Gideon, Jojo 📷by Bre

While we were in town GG had a play date with Bre and the kids. They were playing Go Fish and Gideon caught him cheating. Sadly, a very familiar scenario. He was a bit surprised to be called out by his 7 yo great grandson. ::snort::  Stacia picked up dinner and GG after her appointment and we all met back home for a quiet evening. 

I'm blogging Thursday morning, after a night snuggled on the couch with tea and blankets. We can do hard things because our strength rests in God. I'm dealing with emotions again...and the desire that I could tell the defendant's mom all I think rather than sit silently. ::grin::   I have already allowed Holy Spirit to evaluate my heart and point out where I need to forgive - AGAIN. Bitterness will not take root in my heart. That is a victory I will win. 

Arielle sent these photos....It seems Ellie does NOT like tummy time...and her brothers are quick to jump to rescue her from tummy time torture. Such a petite package of perfection! 
📷by Arielle

📷by Arielle

Free from the blanket 📷by Arielle

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