Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Voices, Flowers and Fires

I was outside in the garden, with the GG monitor, when I swore, I heard voices. I looked around and saw nothing. I went into the greenhouse and again - I SWORE I heard VOICES!  Sure enough - Cory and Danny were around the corner. Danny was out for a day with Cory. He was asked where he'd like to go and what he'd like to do. He wanted to go for a walk and check on Bachan's garden!!

Danny - I must remember the smile prompts

It should be noted Danny is NOT a fan of the motorcycle. He agreed to let me take a QUICK picture, but told me it "doesn't work."  There you have it. Kids who ride on battery powered cars and horses that make sound, will not be interested in wooden rocking toys. Not to worry - it still makes a great garden statue. Danny looked around, jumped on the trampoline and was saddened to discover Dad didn't want him to use ANY of the water toys. Cory lined out the soaker hose in the hoop house and put tomato cages up.
All set - supports, dirt, irrigation

I didn't weed in the garden today. I did weed in the front rock/flower garden alongside the garage. The kids had planted a bunch of flowers for me on Mother's Day. As they grew, the pot looked crowded. Carrie gave me a bunch of garden pots she didn't want and I'm cheap.  I separated the plants from one pot to several pots. I also planted some geraniums (maybe, I think) for the front. 

$25 basket

I took a box of transplanted petunias and moved them up front. 

Basically, my flower seeds got mixed, I planted them all and we'll see what we get. I can't recognize from the sprouts what all of them are. I think there may be zinnias, dahlias and petunias. I transplanted the starts and put planters in front of the green house, the deck, up front and in the garden.  The electric fence will protect the flowers in the garden. I suspect the moose will make quick play of the flowers up front.  I moved three of the six Japanese glass fishing floats to various places in the garden, installed a sign and moved a couple of other things from around the yard to the garden. 
Front of sign 

Back of sign

Japanese floats - such fun memories of beach combing in Northern Japan.

In between yard and garden work I visited with GG, roused Michael and then ran to the lawyer - AGAIN. It seems there was one spot in 30 or 40 pages where I didn't sign what needed to be signed.  

Since I was out, I ran a few errands: picked up GG's meds - OUCH, went grocery shopping and to the library. 

Allie enjoyed what may be her "last day" of relaxation before the routine of summer classes and a new job kick in.  Stacia continues with her Japanese classes through the summer and also had a counseling appointment today. 

Michael has been toying with various designs to extend our deck and move the HOT TUB, which we bought used when Jamin moved from his Wasilla home this winter. The tub currently sits in our garage and we'd like it moved out as quickly as possible.  The project has had several twists and turns. It was going to be a simple slab of concrete by the greenhouse...then Michael thought we'd build a huge oven, outdoor area and incorporate it into the hot tub slab....then we opened it to the kids for designs. Cory suggested one with it coming off the deck...and a few other features...Aaron came by, and Michael and he liked the idea of extending off the existing deck...then Carrie and I began to discuss the pros of Trex over wood...and Michael began to draw plans. Today he marked it out with spray paint so the more visual of us (me) could visualize what he was thinking. 

I THINK we can get away with one set of stairs, a platform about 1/2 way down to the 2nd level of the deck which will have built in benches around the hot tub. They will put an external plug at the side of the house and THAT WILL BE AN IMPROVEMENT. We are going to see what Trex would cost...we may just do the flooring with Trex for now and leave the railing as wood with the idea of changing it out at a later date? Ideally, we'd change the flooring of the original deck too...This deck was built by the previous owner right before we moved in, and the wood is already warping on the railing and such. We have sealed it annually. We'll discuss all that with Aaron. He'll put in all the posts and such to make it much more earthquake ready. I still think a twisty slide off the deck is a good idea, but I suspect I've been vetoed. 

We had a quick dinner of wings in the air fryer, salad and such....watched an episode of Scorpion and GG headed for bed. The rest of us headed for the fire. We don't mind GG coming out with us. We enjoy spending time around the fire with him. However, honestly, he insists on playing with the fire, walking around the fire without his walker etc. It makes for a terrifying over relaxing experience, so most often we wait for him to drift off to sleep before we light the fire. I was trying to take a sweet selfie of Michael and I around the fire. This is what I got. 

Smore kit has been with us in so many places! Always prepared!

I love this photo of the Allie vibe. 

My sugar-free s'more. Maxmallows and Lily's milk chocolate bar. 

Something magical happens when you sit around the fire with friends and family. Yes, sometimes the phones come out...our we all read our favorite books, but most often we share, talk, read a Patrick McManus chapter, dream. I also remember other times around the fire...friends from past assignments, mentoring in AK around the fire, laughter, tears...and those two years of Rving full-time...blogging and eating and hospitality around the fire. 

I'm glad we unbarricaded the fire ring. We need to invite more people over for a summer fire and s'mores...or apple pie in the fire...or maybe we could even cook dinner around the fire....

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