I woke up this a.m. with a blue screen on my computer. It says it is "beginning dump of physical memory" - that's o.k. This day FEELS like a day devoid of physical memory. {G} I'm on the boys' computer....that will work...though it's not as convenient for doing my "things"....
The past two days have been full. We've done a bit of speech and school, cleaned, bowled, ordered diapers from a very hard to reach lady in AK, had friends over for another rip-roaring round of *Axis and Allies*, worked hard, baked bread, baked cookies, run to Sam's TWO times....attended a fire safety workshop followed by a free meal at a local Chinese Buffet....Mike is going in at 5 a.m. all week for PT. He's doing training for his deployment. We updated our will.
That's life the past few days. OH yes...and Stacia has not learned to stand and walk but she stands and DANCES all by herself. Josiah took a bunch of pictures....I'll get them uploaded when my computer finds it's memory. UGH...I really do NEED to back up my journal and our photos.
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