I've mentioned that I'm currently in the midst of redoing a parenting study. I know what we do and why we do it - but I want to have all my thoughts in one spot. I also want to have all the reasons WHY we do what we do documented! {g} I think I will pass this on to my children if they like the way they turned out. :::snort::: Nah - I have no clue why I'm doing this except I'm repeatedly asked if I do x, y or z in parenting and then questioned as to why I don't do x,y, and z.... I've even been told I'm a liberal because I DON'T do x,y, and z. I'm sort of amused that folks want children like ours but they don't like my answers when I tell them how we parent. First person that asks me after I'm done will get a 438 page book of notes dropped on them. :::snort:::: I am DELIBERATELY not reading parenting books. Several have told me there are wonderful new books out there that say "what you do"....but I want to go back to the Word and have the confidence that I'm saying what the WORD says before I read any of the new authors being recommended to me. And BTW....we have made some changes in the past month due to this study.....I am certainly NOT saying *I have all the answers*.
I've reached a part in my study where I'm ready to branch out. I've mentioned the heart thing and the character of God and so you sort of know that direction. The thing is that I know where we part company with many Christians is in the use of the rod. There is no sense running from the Word if you think it doesn't agree with what you want to do. Run TO the Word...check it out and if you find it says something other than you are doing - change. That's where you'll find freedom and confidence. I'll never forget how freeing it was to do a word study on "meek" - I realized that *I* am meek - even more meek than many who fit the definition of what society/church tells us is meek. LOL Sermon over.
I have been studying the rod. I began by looking up every word that is translated as rod that I could find - both in the Old Testament and New Testament. I'm now ready to take the definition back to the context of the Scriptures where it is found. I've been very careful not to let the works of others (sermons, friends, commentaries, books) influence my word study. I want to be sure I study all the Scriptures that are most often quoted to define the use of the rod in child rearing. Surprisingly, I've come up with only 4 in Proverbs. Please share with me any and all Scriptures that you believe define the use of the rod in child raising. I ask not to be argumentative. I want to accurately handle the Word of Truth on this subject. I want to be thorough. I want to be sure what I do lines up with the Word. At this point I'm reaching some conclusions and I want to be sure that I've examined all the verses that others may think are important on this aspect of the study.
I will not argue with you at all - in fact I really am not asking for opinions at this point....I'm asking for references that you would consider important for someone studing the rod to examine.
Hi De'Etta,
Lis from NY again! So funny you mentioned this because that same evening, during my son's snuggle in bed - time, we spoke about this very thing. I had been listening to Chuck Missler do a teaching in Proverbs. He made a comment that we (in the U.S.) discipline our criminals and punish our children, and it should be the other way around. But that is all Chuck said, he didn't go into it further. I have felt God impressing this on me lately and am pursuing it further. I am headed out of town for a while, but wholeheartedly agree with what you have said so far, not just with the rod, but with the character of God and the heart. I can correct, discipline, or punish my daughter, but until she has a heart change, there is no real growth or change in her attitude or behavior. I know we set the example, but the heart change is the hardest for anyone to see too! I will let you know what I dig up as I too go through this. Honestly, I can't wait until you write all of this into short topic books or study guides!
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