Discipline Thoughts:
OK - I'll share snippets as I go along on my personal study. Has anyone commented on the teachable moment question down below? Someone better do that. {g}
I'd like your input on this. I've spent considerable amount of time praying and thinking about this. It's been fun.
"How does God discipline His children?" - I want to discipline as God disciplines. Therefore my discipline must glorify God. To glorify is to give a "correct representation". This means that my parenting must be an accurate reflection of God's nature and character. I'm not talking about my children's behavior here but about MY actions and MY heart. MY actions in parenting must reflect God's character. I began to list all I know about God's character...and it's been one of those "ah" and "freeing" moments in parenting. Brainstorm with me? I'll share my list later...but I'd love to have some of you think with me....describe the character and nature of God.....
A conclusion I've reached is: my parenting and discipline must BEGIN in the heart and character of God.
fill in the blank.....God is:
Here's the ones that I can list without thinking *too* hard.
God is:
Love (agape)
Holy (set apart)
God gives:
I am following your posts and this study. I just don't have much to add or comment about at this point as I'm just beginning to study this myself...
Jen in Az.
JEN...thanks you brave soul. I'm hoping others will post. I'm not looking for brilliance...just someone to share their ideas and thoughts.
I hadn't written down joy, peace or understanding yet....and they are all part of God's character...thanks.
Can I give an answer that's not to your question?
When you ask about discipline, it made me think right away of Paul's response to the Corinthians (& for that matter to all the other churches) that he was writing primarily to discipline.
He started with grace & peace . . . wouldn't that be a great way for us to preface (for our own sakes AND for the other person) any conflict at all?
In 2nd Cor, maybe ch1&2 mostly but all through the book, Paul is so focused on the people's reconciliation with God, with the church relating rightly to himself/Paul SO THAT they are having a right view of God. That's where my discipline & conflict-resolution are out of whack -- I need to consistently remember that reconciliation to God's glory is the goal.
You say so well what I've been thinking....grace and peace are often lacking in our discipline style. It's funny you mention Paul. I was looking this a.m. at the NT uses of rod and basically there is Hebrews that mentions Aarons rod, Revelation - God's judgments and Corinthians where Paul asks should I come with a rod.....so I've been thinking about Paul and church discipline and if there are things there that could be learned or applied to discipline in general....and let's not even begin to talk abut self-discipline....well OK but AFTER I'm done with this study. :::snort:::
Thanks for posting.
I was asked who God was to me just the other day along with a group of women. Some of the answers they came up with are
hope (we recently went through a funeral of a friend's brother who did not know the Lord)
refuge (Nahum 1:7)
All discipline should include the hope that comes from being obedient to our Lord.
We should be a refuge our children can run to when they are in trouble.
We should comfort the weary hurt soul that runs to us.
I,too, am following your blog on this. Because of illness I have been unable to get into the Word and do a word study but I intend to and would love to hear your continued thoughts.
God has really been opening my dh's and my eyes to how we discipline now that we have entered the young adult years and so I have been very interested in this.
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