Mondays! I suppose there HAS to be a first day of the work week. I suppose there must be a first day back to WORK after every vacation. I’ll be content. Today was our MONDAY with a capital M.
TO DO – TO DO….. my TO DO list has about 300 items on it. It hasn’t been this bad since AK. It helps me to renew my commitment to keeping some MARGIN in life. NO, I’ve not read the book but it sure sounds like a great idea.
I got the Kirby picked up. It’s “good as new” – again. I took Krista’s bike tire in to get it fixed. We went to the Family Christian Bookstore and picked up a Bible cover Mike had ordered…..I also picked up a Bible that assures me it can be read in 3 months. We’ll see. I’m valiantly studying through the Word this year but not making the progress I had hoped. I seem to be a hopeless “crawler”, though I’m trying to “power-walk”. I’ve missed reading the whole Bible. I’d also remembered a project I wanted to have done by Christmas of each of my children's senior year and well – it hit me…..I have a senior and Christmas is 4 months away! I have no clue how feasible it is to read the Bible in 3 months….it will certainly be a “race” and should balance out my current “crawl” pace so maybe I can count it as having met my original “power-walk” goal. LOL I got a split email finished for co-op. I fielded several calls. I called my Mom and Dad. Dad is home from rehab – still in a wheel chair – but HOME. Thanks for your continued prayers on their behalf.
We watched “The Great Escape” from Netflix yesterday. I got that returned and we are crossing our fingers that we get one of the “newer” movies we’ve been waiting for by Friday night. I mailed a PBS book off today too. Unfortunately, I still didn’t mail the package to my DAD….I’m going to have to play with the online features of mailing packages.
In the midst of all my work Krista told me she’d like to take the little ones swimming. I was thinking, “Oh yeah – I FORGOT to put PLAY on the list again”. I put play on the list, told her that would be fine and began to make plans. It became apparent that SHE wanted to take them – not US taking them. I’d gotten so used to taking little ones with me everywhere that I’d not even thought of THAT interpretation. Before she left home last fall I was on bed-rest for eclampsia and she was taking the kids out every afternoon to play. She misses that. We made plans for HER to take them to the pool while Jared, Bre and I went shopping for shirts for our family photo and went to the commissary. I also needed to pick up my strawberries that I somehow sent to Adrienne’s house. Well…..the plan went well until I realized the commissary was closed on Mondays. LOL Bre, Jared, Stacia and I went and had a nice visit with Adrienne and her children. At least Porshe has now met ONE of my daughters.
A funny at the base’s front gate today. This cool dude security guy came out. I handed him all of our IDs. He stopped and looked around and then said, “I don’t get your license plate”. I explained that I have nine children and people were always saying “Don’t you think you have too many children” and I would always say “Ah no, there’s not 2 many” so we put it on the plate. You could have blown me over when this prompted an oral history of he and his wife’s entire reproductive history. I pulled away; looked at the kids; broke the tension by saying “Do I LOOK like I care about your entire reproductive history?” with that now attitude thing…..and we all had a great laugh. This was a first. Usually they ask questions or comment on MY repro history. I suppose it’s a welcome trend?
Highlight of the day: Jamin fixed dinner…spaghetti, penne, Kelly’s homemade FRENCH BREAD, great salad, fruit…..I can’t wait for some gal to start singing my praises when she catches this one!
Having decided not to start school until life settles down around here , I now find myself READY to start school. I came home and Jamin had begun reading “All's Quiet on the Western Front”. I’m planning on working through the Financial Peace University dvd’s, workbook and book with the boys and giving them a “personal finance” math credit. Jamin would like to do a science credit in physiology…any ideas? Weights are his life, and diet and such.
Poor Mike got into our faithful workhorse of a Honda this a.m. and it wouldn’t start! It’s been a MMMMMMonday.
You posted so much over the weekend while I was gone that I've printed it off to take to bed with me to read, LOL.
It looks like you all had a wonderful time on your trip I'm glad God worked it out so that you could spend some extra time with Mike before he leaves.
BTW, I'm "tagging" you. There's a short little thing with questions over on my blog if you want to copy/paste it over to yours and fill in your answers. I won't be offended if you don't though! I know some people don't like to do them.
Jen in Az.
De'Etta....did ya'll make my bread? Did you make it "zander" proof? Cool! I think my boys need to read your blog LOL. They do a lot around here..but not meals. Probably because I like to cook the meals lol. your blog Ok I'm Losin it? And did you tag me too? I am so confused LOL...but it sounds the same???? I'm going to answer...but we're leaving for the beach soon, even though it is only 56* lol.....
Ok..sorry about that little side trip. Off to get ready to freeze at the beach :)
Ok did the tagging thing - oops looks like I tagged Kelly's other site...she could copy and paste her answers to both. :::snort:::
Yes, Jamin made YOUR french bread. I think we need a tad of gluten because it didn't rise well but then he said he thought he had the water to hot as well.
How was freezin at the beach? {G}
Ahhh...I am honored. My French bread doesn't rise much either. It's kinda flat. Although if your water was too hot, yours was really flat!
It turned out to be a beautiful day at the beach! The sun was warm and it was about 83* by the time we left *g*. We left at 2 so Doug could be to work on time. Isaac stayed until 5 with my inlaws and the twins. They had a great time! He was worn out and his mouth was sore. He came home, ate, brushed his teeth and went to bed at 6:45! He asked me to wake him at 8. I said, honey, we're going to bed at 9:00 today anyway because everybody is crabby! He just stayed in bed then. He's still there and it is 7:30!
I don't think I am going to have 2 blogs any more. Obviously I can't keep up with them lol. I've not posted to my weight loss one in 2 months. Of course, it's no fun to keep a weight loss blog when you are gaining *sigh*. I guess I should post on that blog that I won't be posting on that blog lol.
I loved reading your shopping story. Hmmm....perhaps my DIL's will like to shop with me? I love spending time with my MIL. So I am hoping my DIL's love to spend time with me. It was great sitting on the beach, watching the kids swim and chatting with my MIL for about 4 hours yesterday! She is a dear lady.
OK....I am really long winded this morning!
Kelly - glad you had a fun time at the beach....I'm sure your dil's will love to shop with you......
Jen - :::snort::: bedtime reading - I've always aspired to that lofty goal.
I was worried about blogger updates that someone was talking about on SHS and wanted to get all the photos listed. NOW...even if I don't finish the trip journal the way it is envisioned (Pictures integrated with text and bound) I'll have the text and the photos stored. LOL
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