Sunday – 20 August
Wow – this month is zooming by.
I finally have decided – well about 90% decided - not to begin school with the little ones until the end of September. I for sure won’t begin before Mike deploys (first week in September). The girls will be leaving two weeks after that – and waiting those final two weeks is the part I’m 90% sure about.
Mike visited all services today. I went to two. Arielle and Stacia went to two. Arielle has a friend who is moving this week that she wanted to say goodbye to in the traditional service. All of us went to “our” service – the contemporary service. What a hoot this group is. Mike mentioned he’d be leaving in 3 weeks for the desert and the keyboardist piped applause through the chapel. :::snort::: I managed to sit through the entire service with Zander and Stacia….nice to hear a sermon…I love to hear Mike preach. It was also fun to have the girls there. For some reason having the girls there made everyone think we were a huge family….I guess before we were slightly above average. LOL
Yesterday I made homemade ice cream….vanilla and almond chocolate. Cy was getting out the go-withs. Zander LOVES Neman O’s (organic Oreos) and only gets them once a week. Cy told him, “Only two cookies Zander” and he said, “Cy, my life is WRECKED!” Remember when your life could be wrecked by such a thing as not enough Oreos? {G}
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