Rule of 3
AF Spouse lore has long held that things come in threes during deployments/TDY's....maybe someone whose dh is gone a lot, but who isn’t military can comment on whether this is a universal truth.
The *Rule of 3* simply put is that whatever happens will happen in 3’s….three auto break downs, three illnesses, three appliances to break down..
Yesterday the washer began acting up. It fills with water and stops. I bang the lid (which I don't mind) and then it starts. It drains, fills with water to rinse and stops. I go back in and note it is full of water again and bang it again. You get the picture. The computer is freaking out on me...but this a.m. I unplugged the thing to show it who was boss and yes you WILL shut off eventually and now it seems to be fine. That means I need just one more appliance to act up.
The car has now died three times since Mike left.
Three of us have had flu symptoms.
Mike called with three tasks for me to complete for him…call the plumber, call the homestead people and I can’t remember the 3rd – but it was 3.
Life is an adventure! Choosing Joy!
It's a universal rule! My hubby was a "trainer" about two years ago. He was gone M-F, flew home Friday night and then flew our Sunday night. So many things happened to me during those nine months! I'm sympathizing here and sending ((hugs)) again. I think God uses it to teach us to depend on Him more, rather than our husbands....
Jen in Az.
sis: YUP! I have experienced that too. Don't know why it happens but it does. Maybe because we are more aware of all the crazy things our "men" just automatically notice and take care of when they are home.
Anyway, life is never a bore and wish we were closer to you to enjoy you and the kids.
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