Small Base…
Ah the joys of living on a small base. I received a phone call. I was informed I was talking to Capt. S. She knew my husband had just left for the Middle East. Did he get off o.k.? He is such a nice guy. BTW – you are overdue for a pap and a mammogram. I waited until Ch. G left to call you. I replied that yes, I needed to make an appointment. She told me she’d made the appointments FOR ME and I should go pick up the paperwork this week. Wow…how’s that for everyone knowing everyone’s business???? {G}
That's too funny! Not sure how I'd feel knowing other people knew that I needed those yearly tests done, then scheduling them FOR me. Again, too funny!
Jen in Az.
Sis: I thought the military was big on secrets! HA!
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