Hmmm….ever had a day when you ran all day but can’t for the life of you remember what you did? That’s today.
I did some cleaning up this a.m.
I ran the boys to House of Faith. They had a fun day. This is proving to be an eye-opener for them and an avenue to do something meaningful in the community.
While the boys were at House of Faith I dropped by the chapel. Our Bible Study books are in. The funny thing is that Miss Ivey found 5 copies in the book room – a mysterious room that I have yet to see – and we could have had them on Tuesday. We chatted. I felt sorry for them – the chapel is SOOOO short staffed right now. For those who get military chapels…there has been only ONE enlisted Chaplain Assistant on base for the past two weeks. I think we’ll bake some cookies in the a.m. and run them up to him. Poor guy. He’s cheerful though and picked my spirits up today just chatting with him.
We left the chapel and I took Krista to see a doctor here on base. Do you remember this tri-care sage from a few weeks back? Yes – we paid over $200 to get her seen and get her meds off base because tri-care said they can’t see her while she is home. Dr. W – the commander of flight medicine called and said he WOULD see her and to bring her in. I did. He gave her the prescriptions for the meds she needed so that we can get them AGAIN this time on the AF’s Dollar and then they’ll be in Walgreen system for her to pick up for the co-pay in WA. He also looked at her moles. Two weeks ago Tri-care was insisting that this is cosmetic and they wouldn’t remove them. He looked – said, “Oh no – they are NOT cosmetic!” and said they need to be removed and biopsied. Since she is leaving in less than a week :::sigh::: she’ll follow up on this in WA. BUT now it should be in the computer that HE feels they need to be removed and biopsied…which is what Krista and I said two weeks ago. :::sigh::::
Krista and I ran to the commissary and BX. We bought all the toiletries that two girls will need until Christmas….I suppose I don’t need to give you a list. I will say that I got a strange look for a few items…but wait until December when we stock up for NINE MONTHS! :::snort::: At the BX I picked up packaging that I hope will work to mail out old SL manuals. LOL We still had time before picking the boys up so we came home.
The girls went and picked the boys up from HoF. They planned their trip. They are going to spend a few days with their old youth leaders in CO and the leaders are arranging to have several of their friends have a sleep over on Friday night. I’m a bit worried about this as they have to leave bright and early to finish their trip on Saturday a.m. but they are invincible and need no sleep. {bg}
Mike called – 6 p.m. our time – 2 a.m. his time. I forgot to ask him the question about packages and such from Debbie and Chris on SHS….but I’ll remember. Mike called just as I was leaving. We had promised to meet a friend’s husband, mother and children at a restaurant. By the time we got there we were very late and the line was out the door – Mr. Gattis. :::snort::: We didn’t stay. We went to Burger King instead. In the middle of dinner Zander stood up on the bench and started belting out at the top of his lungs “Our God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven Above”. The others were a bit embarrassed but I told them that if he has a heart to worship it should be encouraged.
We got home and John and Cathy and kids were here from Dallas. We had a good visit. They had ordered some wheat and such and so we loaded them down and they headed off. John separated from the Army to go to seminary and come back in as a chaplain. We talked about his professors and such. Today he lost his Sgt stripes and tomorrow he pins on 2nd Leut rank in the reserves/candidate program. We have another Tech Sgt. That is thinking of doing the same thing – he’s the worship leader in our Contemporary service. I’ve tried to tell them all “no more” until we leave…but they aren’t listening.
Josiah got huge kudos from a manager at work tonight. He was told he was the hardest worker than man had seen and that he would want Cy to work with him if he owned his own business. Never, never give up….this is the same 6 year old that was very clever at avoiding chores. :::snort:::
I heard good things about my baby girls from WA too – it was a good parenting day!
I guess that’s all I did today.
OH YES! Do we ever feel good when our kids do good. Eventually you will also know how the feeling of a G'Parent is when the G'Kids do good etc. No other feeling like it and parents can never be prouder!!!
Way to go in the resturant. Your 2 G's would sure love to hear you singing. Love you tons!
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