Blog-o-Gram for Michael!!!
Phone home - email home? LOL Do you have a guarantee on these tires? The driver rear tire was resting on the rim when Cy got off work. He put the spare on, drove home, filled up the tire and put it back on.....the front tires were doing this. Is it time to replace all four tires on THIS vehicle too?
I had actually mentioned to Cy that the time was coming for the tires to be replaced, but this does not sound like a tire replacement issue - especially if there are other tires going flat. That is just not how you know they are wearing out. It is more likely someone is letting the air out of the tires, or he ran over something to cause the tires to go flat. Either way is not good. Check to see how much tread is left on the tire. I think the usual gauge is to put a penny in the tread with Lincoln's head toward the tire. If his whole head is visible above the tread level, it is time to replace the tire.
Love ya'
Now I was just thinking how handsome Josiah looks and manly doing that job. Never thought at all about a tire problem. :):)
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