Proverbs ~ Parenting/Rod Verses ~ DISCIPLINE
Below are the "parenting/rod" verses in Proverbs. I've previously shared notes from word studies I did on "rod" and "child". Another word that runs through these verses is "chasteneth" or "discipline".
Proverb 13:24 "He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines (4148) him diligently." NASV
"He that spareth his rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chasteneth (4148) him quickly." KJV
Proverb 22:15 "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline (4148) will remove it far from him." NASV
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of the child; but the rod of correction (4148) shall drive it far from him." KJV
Proverb 23:13 "Do not hold back discipline (4148) from the child, although you strike him with the rod, he will not die." NASV
"Withhold not correction (4148) from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die." KJV
Proverb 29:15 "The rod and reproof give wisdom, But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother."
Chasteneth/Discipline (4148) - Muwcar or Muscar
Strongs: Chastisement, warning, instruction, restraint, corrects, discipline, doctrine, instruction, rebuke
Dr. Zodhiates: Almost exclusive to poetic and prophetic literature
~instruction, discipline - usually through the father and conveyed ORALLY
~apart from Proverbs always associated with God
BDBG - word not in here
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament: 877b - muscar - discipline
Proverbs - the emphasis of muscar is instruction
~LXX (Septuagint) translated as Paideuo - emphasis is on education
~denotes ORAL correction which results in EDUCATION
~the theological basis of discipline/correction is grounded in the covenant relationship with YAHWEH.
~Deut 11:2 - discipline of God is His mighty activity in covenant history by which He revels Himself, not negative hardship in the wilderness was balanced with miraculous provision
~Discipline must be theocentric (God centered) and theofugal (God natured)
{Cool!!!!! See Discipline Thoughts - July 26th and Where's the Grace - July 20th}
Proverbs 3:11-12 - Discipline/chastisment gives the assurance of son ship, points primarily to a God centered way of life only secondarily to ethical behavior.INSTRUCTION.
Proverbs 22:15 - "rod of correction" most often denotes oral instruction
Conclusions: We must lay aside our preconceptions of what "words" mean when we study the Bible and see how those words were used and understood by the people who wrote them and the people who originally heard them.
I'm not sure where "discipline" was changed to "rod or spanking" in Christian circles but the word in these verses means ORAL INSTRUCTION - based on a COVENANT relationship with God. Instruction that is centered on GOD and his NATURE/CHARACTER! In other words Proverbs places the emphasis of discipline on DISCIPLINING and MENTORING of our children. BTW, beware of taking THIS word study and applying it to each time you see the word "discipline" in the Bible...there may be many definitions - this definition applies to these verses and others with the same Strongs number, only.
Take these word studies back to the verses and see what you think.
He that spares the rod {authority, tribe, correction} hates his son but he who loves him disciplines {orally instructs} him quickly!!!
Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child {young man} but the rod of correction {oral instruction (see above) that is God centered and based on God's nature} shall drive it far from him.
Do not hold back discipline { God centered instruction - above} from the child {young man} though you strike him with the rod he will not die. - OK this verse I need to study more. Because COULD kill someone by beating and striking them with a big branch - they crushed skulls with this rod - so the meaning can't mean you couldn't kill him because you could....regardless....context of Proverbs leads me to believe that discipline would come way before the rod.....and way before you would reach a spot of literally beating a young man with a rod (think Thailand caning of years back).
It is much easier to swat a child for doing something wrong than it is to walk beside him and instruct, teach, point him to God BEFORE he gets to the behavior that tempts you to swat.
Our choice is not "spanking" or "leave the child to grow out of it". Any of us, left to our own devices would continue to be self-centered, mean and hurtful - because we have this thing called a sin nature. Instead, we are called to be vitally involved with our children, to discipline our children. We are called to instruct our children....this is what the very word "discipline" means. We are to constantly be looking beyond their behavior to their heart and pointing them to God and His very nature. I've seen parents who don't spank but also don't "discipline/instruct/mentor" and that is as sad as a parent who thinks that spanking is the only tool for teaching a young child. We are to be striving, contending, praying, fasting for our child to come to saving knowledge of Jesus...for them to love Him wholeheartedly (Mark 12:30/31 - my life verses)...we are not to leave our child to "grow out" of childhood but neither are we to see childhood as a condition that we must "beat out of him".
We mess it up so often. We need to throw ourselves on His GRACE!
When I began to see that the Word doesn't really teach a formula that will make perfect little Christians, I began to realize that I must be fasting and praying for my children. I need God's wisdom and strength and creativity to reach their hearts. I need to know God and His character so that I can faithfully lead my children to Him. It is all so much more than catching a bad behavior and administering a spank.
I hope you have caught my heart. These are MY CONVICTIONS. I understand that many godly people disagree. It grieves my heart, however, to hear verses taught out of see people put modern churchy definitions on words that simply don't mean what we think they mean, and then walk away with faulty applications and understanding. Worse yet, so many simply believe "the Bible teaches x, y, or z" and never take the time to check for themselves to see. I promise you that studying the Word of God will transform your mind, your will and your heart.
I have attempted here to share notes of word studies, to share a bit of how this has worked out in my life and to trust the Holy Spirit to lead you to the applications that He would work out in your family.
Remember, it is never to late to begin anew. God's mercies are NEW each and every morning. I love His Grace and I love His Mercy - I'd be nowhere without them.
1 comment:
Sis: Good work! love/prayers
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