Saturday, December 30, 2006

Photos and Songs

Heather - will allow you to put songs on a blogspot. Unfortunately, I've been trying to get MY blog to load my selection for a couple of weeks. ::snort:: I'm not thrilled with the selection of music at the'll find way more contemporary Christian music available at myspace. I didn't find Phil Wickham at all on sonific...but I did find some nice jazz. LOL

Photos are loading. I have the "add page element" button again this a.m.; so I ditched the plan to clean house and am trying to get photos loaded for you Mike...the pile of laundry on the couch is all YOUR doing, dear! ::snort:: Hmmm....well the song thing is ME - no - Heather ASKED. ::snort::

Video will not load into a post....not sure about side bar....guess I can try....Mike, I can't email you the dancing video either because it says the file exceed the maximum size.


Anonymous said...

hey Cutie
Thanks for the photos. They mean alot.

Love you

all in the family said...

A friend of mine at loads videos all the time using Have you tried them? That might be an option.

Beth in GA

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks, Beth - I'll look into it. The video isn't that great - it's dark but it's a piece of home for Mike.

Heather said...

I looked up some other artists that I like to listen to and none of them came up. I think I will just wait and see if they start adding anymore artists.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I looked at your friends blog and it would be great to add a video now and again in the post section....

I went to you tube and it seems that anything you load to be used can be seen by all. Is that right?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Heather - they do have a spot to request music...and I'm guessing anyone on myspace wouldn't mind - because they do get their logo on more blogs etc...advertisement and all.

I'm wondering if you request a song, they would contact the artist and add???? I'll have to look into it...meanwhile I'm listening to lots of new music. LOL