I've been asked to bring back the "quote of the day" feature. We've been having a LOT of "if a man" quotes. I can't share many of them if I want to keep an "R" rating on the blog. LOL
Here we go: quote of the day: "If a man wants to fold a towel he'll do it the way he wants to" - translates to a ball instead of 1/3's. Mike informed the "young man" that while he's living here he'll fold it the way "a woman" wants it folded. ::snort::
I made 10 phone calls today. That's a great thing for me to have accomplished - because I'm no good on the phone.
Lunch with Heather - thanks Heather, I had a lot of fun.
Back home and two more calls.
Got a Shop Natural Co-op split email out.
The boys filled out student profiles for Worldview Academy.
Jamin filled out the application for Parent Led Driver's Ed.
I talked with Krista - what fun! I love those girls! Zander has been saying all day that we need to go get BreAnne and Krista! My two sister friends both had their children leave home this's son joined the Marines and the other's daughter got married.....Wow - where has time gone? Funny how these babies keep aging and *I* still look 29...give or take a few years! ::snort::
Josiah took Jamin to work.
I cooked dinner: Salmon, chicken, steamed veggies, salad, fruit platter
We tried to go swimming but it kept thundering off and on all day.....and I smiled all day thinking of Becky's news!!! I'm going to call you - and you KNOW that means I'm excited!
Same here... in fact, I'm sure I'm getting YOUNGER! I feel younger anyway with all this bike riding I've been doing (LOL)!
I got mistaken for a teenager yesterday. Of course I was riding my dd's bike and wearing my son's helmet (hides all the gray)
I have a problem with folding here too -- Paul's way is to fold the washcloths into triangles because he likes the way it looks.
>shaking my head<
It LOOKS like a big mess in the linen closet.
Wow - a teenager! I've not been carded in several years...
Keep up the biking Cindy. Way to go!
Liz - just think of the folding that Zander and Paul could do together.
Jon has organized my linen closets and he rolled all the towels and then stacked them.LOL I think it looks really nice and definitely different. It's definitely a guy
LISA - maybe I'll let them go ahead and roll and stack them...or fold them in triangles....with the exception of Arielle, it's all BOYS that use that shower....maybe they would like that. LOL
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