Too busy for details....
Stacia is our dumpster diver....I've yet to catch a photo of her in action....but she obviously considers the garbage can to be her personal buffet. I have to REALLY watch her.....she WAS grabbing lettuce out to eat....I ran for the camera, returned, and she was peeling a carrot......I did NOT use this carrot in the salad that I took to the potluck....and the lettuce is in the trash because the garage fridge FROZE IT!ARGH. 
Mike (rt) and Marty are chaplains....Mandy is well....a chaplain's spouse! ::snort::
Stacia during worship
More photos to follow if permission to post minor's photos is given. LOL
I'm LOL that you took pictures during worship :) She is adorable though..........
Well, Kelly, in my defense I was taking photos and videoing the night too in case the chapel wants to use any of the shots for publicity - web site etc. I don't USUALLY take photos during worship. LOL
dumpster diving (LOL)! You need to feed her more often >VBG>!
Bet it feels real good to have Stacia liking to eat most things.:):):):):) What a gal! Must be some gene she got from her missionary grandparents & Mom... who lived where lots of people went thru garbage to find food to eat. eck!
How funny. Dan is our garbage collector...I call him Buzzard Boy! Our poor dog does not like Dan...he is too quick to snipe things off the floor, the dog doesn't have a chance!
Evie was my dumpster diver.LOL She wouldn't eat dinner but she'd eat garbage.LOL That's how the can ended up in the garage.
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