Are you looking for a way to give out a bit more than candy this evening? If you give out candy, you may be interested in this LifeSaver Tract. It's cute. It presents salvation. It isn't condemning in any way - at least non that I've found yet.
Ideally, you attach a role of Lifesavers to the tract. I may not do that as I bought candy already. We shall see. THIS site has three "tracts for children" if you scroll past the more well IN YOUR FACE tracts. They have: Ooo Yuck, Kids you are Special, and God Knows My Name. These will take less paper, I think.
Halloween for us? The kids love passing out candy to those who knock on the door. It's usually a game night - typical family night for us. We don't celebrate Halloween, but we have started passing out candy because I didn't want the "Christian" house on the block to be the "grumpy, no -fun" house to those who do go out on Halloween. ::snort::
We don't really kick off our Season of Thanksgiving tonight. When the mummies go up in the stores, we begin our focus on intentional thankfulness. Thanksgiving is a holiday that tends to get short changed here in America. We've done this for years and reclaiming Thanksgiving from "turkey day" has been a huge blessing in our home. It worked for years for us to just IGNORE Halloween but in the past 4 or 5 years we began to pass out candy and really we get lots of opportunities to explain why we don't celebrate Halloween when folks come to our door. Shoot - what other time of the year do they COME to your door any more?????
I have a REAL problem passing out candy since we learned how bad it is for folks...but we will nonetheless this year. LOL
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