Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketWe're Ready - for the night!

I never did FIND all the yard decor for fall. I'm sure I put it "somewhere" and I'm sure the "somewhere" is NOT where Mike stores our yard decor. I bet we'll find that we didn't pack things the same way last year at Christmas when we unpack those too. Ah well.

Hobby Lobby and Tractor supply had things 50% off yesterday so we bought a few things for the yard. I had a chuckle at BUYING fall colors. It does cheer me up to see red leaves in the yard. ::snort::
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For years, we've either ignored today's "holiday", hid in the basement with the lights out, or tried to be GONE..... This year? We're staying home, we're trying to let our light shine in the middle of the goings on in the neighborhood.

Our Jesus pumpkin will be shining, our Lord of the Harvest flag flapping....
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We've prepared tracts and goodie bags to give out.
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Arielle has become my holiday buddy - and I'm thrilled! Those first holidays were lonely to plan after the girls left.
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Our goodie bags:Christians like pumpkin paper, tract we downloaded and folded, 2 boxes of raisins, organic, juice-colored lollipop, play dough and a few pieces of cheap candy. Unfortunately, with Shop Natural not taking our order we weren't able to find the "good" candy. I'll plan better next year. I hope. ::snort::
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Yeah - we know that most will toss the paper without reading....but then they'll remember that the house with the Jesus pumpkin gave out good gifts...maybe that will plant a seed? We're praying it does. After all, though we could argue the current church practice of trying to "sweeten the gospel", GOD DOES GIVE GOOD GIFTS! Maybe it won't plant any seeds - but we like shining better than hiding, that's for sure. ::snort::
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Amico Dio said...

I love that! What an awesome idea!

Jen said...

You know I like your plan. :-)

Michelle said...

De'Etta, I'm so happy for you that Arielle is your new craft buddy. :*) I can imagine how lonely it must've been for you after the big girls left home. It's so much more fun when you can craft with someone else, and even more special when that someone is a beloved daughter.

I loooooove your flag! I SO wish we had a Hobby Lobby here. They are THE best store for crafts 'n such.

Jodi said...

Excellent treat bags. Love it that you have a new holiday buddy!

Cynthia said...

Maybe we can go to some friends' house and do this next year. Looks GREAT! What a neat idea.

Anonymous said...

I really like that idea! Something like that might work around here. lol

Anonymous said...

I love it! Did you guys look above the laundry machine for the decorations? lol

Bre g; )

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL, Yes, Bre we checked above the washing machine...not there.

Kathy in WA said...

What a great idea! I love the goody/treat bags. Could get expensive - outreach is worth it though. :)

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Kathy - it could get expensive but next year I'll look early at sales, party supplies stores and dollar store.

I printed all the tracts for "free".

I bought one big bag of candy for 9.99.

The raisins were on sale.

The playdough part favors were a bit - but then again - I'll look for them now. LOL