Remember that Blessing Mix? Some of the pieces are proving hard to find. For instance the bags, the candy corn...and well....the bugles. The Bugles are supposed to be a symbol of our nation's abundance. Nothing says blessing like a bag of pork rinds? I was convincing myself that I could change the tag to say "Pork Rinds are a symbol of our nations over indulgence - I mean abundance." This is the south - it could work. Pork Rind is a treat down here. I was about to go for it - when I FOUND the bugles. Shew.
I still need to find some fall bags...not sure where else to look.
De'Etta, you crack me up! LOL Do you have a Michael's or Hobby Lobby or A.C. Moore? I've even seen the fall bags at Walmart.
Oriental Trading has some cute cellophane bags with fall leaves on them. I ordered them when I ordered the Thankful Tree and leaves you mentioned earlier. They will be a little late getting here but what a time saver!
How convenient, a signature skillet, who knows when that might come in handy. LOL
Michelle - we've checked HEB, Target and Walmart for bags. We DO have a Hobby Lobby and that's my last chance - we'll check that tomorrow.
OH Gilda - I DO remember that now that you mention it. If I don't find something in the a.m. it's Oriental Trading for me. I'll remember next year. LOL
LOL Jodi - I like it "signature skillet".
I noticed some gift boxes (smallish) at Michael's yesterday and they were all 50% off. Most were Halloweenish, but they had a few that were candy corns and other fall looking ones - stripes, etc. Perhaps that would work? They reminded me of Chinese food left over containers - that type of box.
Thanks for the tip Beth. I checked walmart and asked two clerks but Sherri - a local friend called and said that they DO have bags....I'll have to go check it out. SHe also said that Albertson's has bugels on sale.
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